Does Bad Marketing Hurt Your Business?
All of us have heard the saying, “All publicity is good publicity.” The theory is that if no one knows about you then they cannot make a decision of whether they like you or not. Folks have to at least, hear about you before they can do business with you.
We have all seen more than a few of those annoying TV commercials that are played over and over on certain stations and which seem to have been designed to get under our skin on purpose. Yes, we do remember those commercials vividly but the question is, “Do you think that shock, gross and planned annoying ads builds one’s business or in the long run actually harms business?”
Is all publicity really good publicity?
And please, feel free to share any current commercials running that make you want to pull your hair out every time they appear on the silver screen or come blaring thru your radio. Which are the worst commercials so far during 2018?