Article Marketing
Manna For Creative Writing Careers
Writing for Businesses Pays Well!
By Stu Leventhal ~ Guru Marketing Tips!
Companies all need results driven; Emails, Articles, Video Ad Scripts and Social Media Posting. Everyone is trying to hire the best creative writers. But can you drive sales and lure customers to visit retail stores?
Every day more and more websites are being added to the World Wide Web. Social Media sites are popping up like weeds in a neglected garden. Everyone who is anyone has a blog. All these platforms require writing in some form or another. This means the need for good quality creative writing and creative writers is always increasing.
That is not to say that a lot of people are not doing their own writing for their blogs and websites but this is generally because of monetary limitations...
Once a website gains in popularity and begins to earn, most website masters will start to consider farming out the sites content production. Every website as it becomes successful will eventually out-grow its owner as being the only writer. One person cannot hope to keep up with the demand of a busy blog or website by themselves because viewership will fall if there is not continuous additional engaging written content always being added.
So creative writers, if you are not marketing yourself and your services to the internet BIZ community you are truly missing the boat as far as writing income generating opportunities are concerned! The web is so vast that whatever type of writing you specialize in, there is always plenty of customers.
The importance of articles on today’s websites, blogs in social media and with internet based companies in general are immeasurable. The quality of a website’s articles dictates a lot of the site’s success or failure. The articles also play a large role in determining the drive of traffic to one’s site. Article writing has become a key element in making sites work and earn a profit. Website operators and owners must have the good sense to include well written articles in their sites that will work for them and earn them the many benefits articles can bring to a business. Articles are considered to be the driving force in sending visitors to web real estate. SEO optimized Articles are a key factor in giving sites high rankings in search result pages. The higher a site ranks the bigger slice of the traffic flow pie the site gets. With a huge number in traffic flow, there are more profits and more potential for other income generating strategies as well. Thus, the more articles the more traffic!
But, it is not just about stuffing your site with articles; there are certain requirements to article marketing and article writing that must be met to achieve the best results and maximum benefits from posting your articles. Ideally, a well written article will catch the eyes and interest of your customers and readers and keep them coming back for more. Well written articles will also convince your website visitors to recommend your site to others. Still, while just about anyone can write the first articles on almost any subject that a site is known for, keeping more and more articles coming at the same quality level becomes a challenge. This is where creative writers become worth their weight in gold!
A stagnant website or blog loses its following quick. Plus, search engines lower the rank of a website or blog that sits idle long. Social media communicators lose interest if one is not engaging continuously too so eventually any worthy website owner will resort to contracting out the creation of their content. All a good creative writer has to do is make sure their writing is worthy, unique and valuable and their writing will bring them more and more customers. Here are some tips to help you and assist you in making your articles enjoyable to read on any subject as well as search engine friendly!
*Below you will read about four things all articles must have to make them successful and helpful in making a website a profit earning and traffic overflowing site.
By Stu Leventhal ~ Guru Marketing Tips!
Companies all need results driven; Emails, Articles, Video Ad Scripts and Social Media Posting. Everyone is trying to hire the best creative writers. But can you drive sales and lure customers to visit retail stores?
Every day more and more websites are being added to the World Wide Web. Social Media sites are popping up like weeds in a neglected garden. Everyone who is anyone has a blog. All these platforms require writing in some form or another. This means the need for good quality creative writing and creative writers is always increasing.
That is not to say that a lot of people are not doing their own writing for their blogs and websites but this is generally because of monetary limitations...
Once a website gains in popularity and begins to earn, most website masters will start to consider farming out the sites content production. Every website as it becomes successful will eventually out-grow its owner as being the only writer. One person cannot hope to keep up with the demand of a busy blog or website by themselves because viewership will fall if there is not continuous additional engaging written content always being added.
So creative writers, if you are not marketing yourself and your services to the internet BIZ community you are truly missing the boat as far as writing income generating opportunities are concerned! The web is so vast that whatever type of writing you specialize in, there is always plenty of customers.
The importance of articles on today’s websites, blogs in social media and with internet based companies in general are immeasurable. The quality of a website’s articles dictates a lot of the site’s success or failure. The articles also play a large role in determining the drive of traffic to one’s site. Article writing has become a key element in making sites work and earn a profit. Website operators and owners must have the good sense to include well written articles in their sites that will work for them and earn them the many benefits articles can bring to a business. Articles are considered to be the driving force in sending visitors to web real estate. SEO optimized Articles are a key factor in giving sites high rankings in search result pages. The higher a site ranks the bigger slice of the traffic flow pie the site gets. With a huge number in traffic flow, there are more profits and more potential for other income generating strategies as well. Thus, the more articles the more traffic!
But, it is not just about stuffing your site with articles; there are certain requirements to article marketing and article writing that must be met to achieve the best results and maximum benefits from posting your articles. Ideally, a well written article will catch the eyes and interest of your customers and readers and keep them coming back for more. Well written articles will also convince your website visitors to recommend your site to others. Still, while just about anyone can write the first articles on almost any subject that a site is known for, keeping more and more articles coming at the same quality level becomes a challenge. This is where creative writers become worth their weight in gold!
A stagnant website or blog loses its following quick. Plus, search engines lower the rank of a website or blog that sits idle long. Social media communicators lose interest if one is not engaging continuously too so eventually any worthy website owner will resort to contracting out the creation of their content. All a good creative writer has to do is make sure their writing is worthy, unique and valuable and their writing will bring them more and more customers. Here are some tips to help you and assist you in making your articles enjoyable to read on any subject as well as search engine friendly!
*Below you will read about four things all articles must have to make them successful and helpful in making a website a profit earning and traffic overflowing site.
By Stu Leventhal
Don't Forget the Key Word Research! Keywords and Keyword Phrases are big business but everyone has a different idea of how the research should be done and what the goals are.
An article must always be centered on the keywords and keyword phrases otherwise search engines won’t be able to index them and thus they will be lost in cyber space. Well not really but they will be hard for the people interested in reading them to find. Many website visitors go to a site, merely because they are browsing around and skimming things looking for something to catch their interest. These visitors usually click on read and skim a little then click off to try somewhere else. But, other searchers are actually looking for information about a specific topic. These searchers usually go through a search engine and type in the keywords they are looking for; Toyota, coffee house on Bleaker Street, Money lenders, Tax Attorney, bicycle repair shop in Clifton PA. It could be anything they want.
The Important thing is that you have written an article that has the keywords heavily added throughout it that are directly related to the website that is publishing that article. For example, if you maintain an auto parts site, you must be able to have articles about cars, car parts and car maintenance. Thus when the search engines receive a request from someone searching for info on car parts or auto parts stores or car maintenance websites they know to send the requester to the webpage that your article is on. Sound easy? Well, there is a little more to it. The same two people searching for the same information will rarely search using the exact same search terms. Searches for ‘vegetarian restaurants in South Jersey’ and ‘vegan food in southern NJ’ will turn up very different results.
Ideally, a web writer would like every searcher wanting the info contained in their article to find it. That is wishful thinking. Most likely there are other websites competing for the same search words your article contains. Only about ten or twelve, at most, website results can fit on a search engine index page. Yet there could be thousands of articles on the web about your same topic. If your articles webpage is not listed until page 5 or 6 of the search engine results, chances are searchers will never visit it. Most searchers only visit the first four or five websites, after that they get tired or lose interest in the topic. So, now it becomes a battle of wits to pick keywords to optimize your article with that get a lot of searches while having little competition from other websites. This is called SEO or search engine optimization.
There are many tools in internet marketing that provide service in helping a webmaster or creative writer out in determining what keywords and keyword phrases are mostly being searched. You can use these tools to determine what keywords to use and write about.
Keyword Density
The search engines use technology to scroll and scan many websites. To determine how to index webpages they must see the same keywords repeating over and over again for a large percentage of the total word count on that page. Now that you have chosen your keywords and keyword phrases, you must use them fully and repetitively. An article must have good keyword density for a search engine to “feel” its presence. Articles should at least have ten to fifteen percent of keyword density in their content for search engines to rank a site high in their search results. And we’ve already talked about how getting a high rank in the search indexing is imperative for your articles to get found and read.
Keyword density is the number of times a keyword or keyword phrase is used on an article. The number varies depending on the number of words used in an article. An effective article must have a keyword density that is not too high or too low. With a very high density, the essence of the article is lost and may turn off a reader as well as the search engines. It comes off as overeager. A low number may be ignored by the search engines. And so the craft of SEO becomes an art that is also part science and mathematics too.
Good Article Content
Same as before the internet with magazines and newspapers competing for readers, online readership is determined by the quality of the text, stories and articles found on the sites. The better the content the more readers will come back to a website over and over. If the quality of the writing declines so shall the website visitors. Thus, taking into consideration what is stated above, you cannot just riddle your articles with keywords. For that will ruin the experience for your human readers. The SEO keywords must be added fluently and with prudence so the writing is still regarded as good reading materials. Articles must be able to entertain people as well as provide good information and help for their needs plus they have to be index-able by the search engine technology. This makes writing for the internet a little more challenging that traditional writing. As always, online articles should be written well with correct spelling and good grammar. If you want people to trust in your expertise, make your work good and well thought out.
*Tip - People respond well to figures, facts and statistics especially with marketing related articles. Try to get great information and as many facts as you can. A good researched and well written article will boost your reputation as an expert in your chosen writing field and topics. Writing for the same niche will build your authority with the people who are interested in that niche. As more and more people become fond of your style of prose you will be able to charge more for your writing in that niche because your web customers will be able to trust that your name and your writing will bring them more viewers and purchasers to their websites.
An important thing to remember, as you are probably going to be asked to submit articles to ezines and/or contribute articles to newsletters and other websites around the internet for your clients; DON’T ever forget to include plenty of backlink to your clients money site. Choose some of the keywords in the article text and link them to your client’s site or landing page. Only a few links are necessary, search engines will penalize you if you over do this! Also add a little resource box with a brief description of the client’s website placed at the end of your articles. If people like your articles, they will most likely click on the link directing them to your site. You may wish to add an author’s signature with contact info or a link to your own site at the end of the piece so your clients will know where to find you to order your work. Remember your client is paying for this article so get their permission first before you add links to promote yourself.
Don't Forget the Key Word Research! Keywords and Keyword Phrases are big business but everyone has a different idea of how the research should be done and what the goals are.
An article must always be centered on the keywords and keyword phrases otherwise search engines won’t be able to index them and thus they will be lost in cyber space. Well not really but they will be hard for the people interested in reading them to find. Many website visitors go to a site, merely because they are browsing around and skimming things looking for something to catch their interest. These visitors usually click on read and skim a little then click off to try somewhere else. But, other searchers are actually looking for information about a specific topic. These searchers usually go through a search engine and type in the keywords they are looking for; Toyota, coffee house on Bleaker Street, Money lenders, Tax Attorney, bicycle repair shop in Clifton PA. It could be anything they want.
The Important thing is that you have written an article that has the keywords heavily added throughout it that are directly related to the website that is publishing that article. For example, if you maintain an auto parts site, you must be able to have articles about cars, car parts and car maintenance. Thus when the search engines receive a request from someone searching for info on car parts or auto parts stores or car maintenance websites they know to send the requester to the webpage that your article is on. Sound easy? Well, there is a little more to it. The same two people searching for the same information will rarely search using the exact same search terms. Searches for ‘vegetarian restaurants in South Jersey’ and ‘vegan food in southern NJ’ will turn up very different results.
Ideally, a web writer would like every searcher wanting the info contained in their article to find it. That is wishful thinking. Most likely there are other websites competing for the same search words your article contains. Only about ten or twelve, at most, website results can fit on a search engine index page. Yet there could be thousands of articles on the web about your same topic. If your articles webpage is not listed until page 5 or 6 of the search engine results, chances are searchers will never visit it. Most searchers only visit the first four or five websites, after that they get tired or lose interest in the topic. So, now it becomes a battle of wits to pick keywords to optimize your article with that get a lot of searches while having little competition from other websites. This is called SEO or search engine optimization.
There are many tools in internet marketing that provide service in helping a webmaster or creative writer out in determining what keywords and keyword phrases are mostly being searched. You can use these tools to determine what keywords to use and write about.
Keyword Density
The search engines use technology to scroll and scan many websites. To determine how to index webpages they must see the same keywords repeating over and over again for a large percentage of the total word count on that page. Now that you have chosen your keywords and keyword phrases, you must use them fully and repetitively. An article must have good keyword density for a search engine to “feel” its presence. Articles should at least have ten to fifteen percent of keyword density in their content for search engines to rank a site high in their search results. And we’ve already talked about how getting a high rank in the search indexing is imperative for your articles to get found and read.
Keyword density is the number of times a keyword or keyword phrase is used on an article. The number varies depending on the number of words used in an article. An effective article must have a keyword density that is not too high or too low. With a very high density, the essence of the article is lost and may turn off a reader as well as the search engines. It comes off as overeager. A low number may be ignored by the search engines. And so the craft of SEO becomes an art that is also part science and mathematics too.
Good Article Content
Same as before the internet with magazines and newspapers competing for readers, online readership is determined by the quality of the text, stories and articles found on the sites. The better the content the more readers will come back to a website over and over. If the quality of the writing declines so shall the website visitors. Thus, taking into consideration what is stated above, you cannot just riddle your articles with keywords. For that will ruin the experience for your human readers. The SEO keywords must be added fluently and with prudence so the writing is still regarded as good reading materials. Articles must be able to entertain people as well as provide good information and help for their needs plus they have to be index-able by the search engine technology. This makes writing for the internet a little more challenging that traditional writing. As always, online articles should be written well with correct spelling and good grammar. If you want people to trust in your expertise, make your work good and well thought out.
*Tip - People respond well to figures, facts and statistics especially with marketing related articles. Try to get great information and as many facts as you can. A good researched and well written article will boost your reputation as an expert in your chosen writing field and topics. Writing for the same niche will build your authority with the people who are interested in that niche. As more and more people become fond of your style of prose you will be able to charge more for your writing in that niche because your web customers will be able to trust that your name and your writing will bring them more viewers and purchasers to their websites.
An important thing to remember, as you are probably going to be asked to submit articles to ezines and/or contribute articles to newsletters and other websites around the internet for your clients; DON’T ever forget to include plenty of backlink to your clients money site. Choose some of the keywords in the article text and link them to your client’s site or landing page. Only a few links are necessary, search engines will penalize you if you over do this! Also add a little resource box with a brief description of the client’s website placed at the end of your articles. If people like your articles, they will most likely click on the link directing them to your site. You may wish to add an author’s signature with contact info or a link to your own site at the end of the piece so your clients will know where to find you to order your work. Remember your client is paying for this article so get their permission first before you add links to promote yourself.
More Secrets to Great Article Marketing
By Stu Leventhal
Let’s say you started up your own online business. The only way for the business to succeed rather than fail is for you to promote it. You can do this by paying for advertisements or get the same attention for free through article marketing. To help your clients get exposure you offer to write their articles for them so they can concentrate and dedicate themselves to running the actual business. Even if they pay you to write article that they or you can submit to be published all over the web it still costs less than placing traditional advertising ads. Also articles if positioned properly will bring in much more results for your clients than paid advertisements. Remember articles can be passed around the internet and shared on social media, tweeted and texted about and once an article is written and posted, you can leave an article up on a website for a much longer time period, years even which is much longer than a paid advertisement is active.
1. Titles are very important in internet marketing. First, you must come up with a catchy title to promote and attract more business. But again, just a good title is not enough when we are talking online promotions. Search engines assign more power to keywords that are in titles. It is also always helpful if you use keywords in your titles so people who typed that particular keyword into their search see the same word they searched for in your articles title and know they are at the right place. Another tip is to include a capture summary under the title with which you can mention the benefits of reading your article.
2. Make sure that your article is well organized as well as visually pleasing to the eye. Instead of just writing your article long paragraph by long paragraph, maximize the use of bullets or numbers to stress important points. Bold key phrases! Keep paragraph short and to the point. Replace industry jargon with more everyday terminology unless you are writing for a very specific professional audience. This will make the reading experience effortless and the reader will be able to remember it easily.
3. Once you finish writing the article, read it over and see if you understand it. Fix the slow moving areas and further explain the stuff that is not perfectly clear. Next, give the article to someone to read then see what they say. If there are some concerns, edit it because although you may be an expert in this matter, your readers may not and the reason why they want to read is generally to learn more about something.
4. After you post, don’t forget to check the industry involved from time to time to see if there are any new developments on your topic, and to see if there is anything new you might like to add to your posted articles to keep them fresh and current. This is where variety comes in as there are different ways of stressing a point. Sometimes you can tweak an article to give it a fresh look and thus extend the length of its publishable life. The bottom line is that you want people to visit your client’s site.
5. Lastly, tell your readers where they can go to find out more about the subject then give them a link to another of your articles or send them to where ever your client wishes to send them; probably a membership sign up page or a product or service offer.
Promoting a website thought article marketing is very easy. If you tailor your titles and article body to address the needs of a very specific audience you will get less traffic but a more specific type of visitor. Done properly, you will undoubtedly get more highly targeted traffic which is what this form of advertising and promotion is all about.
Let’s say you started up your own online business. The only way for the business to succeed rather than fail is for you to promote it. You can do this by paying for advertisements or get the same attention for free through article marketing. To help your clients get exposure you offer to write their articles for them so they can concentrate and dedicate themselves to running the actual business. Even if they pay you to write article that they or you can submit to be published all over the web it still costs less than placing traditional advertising ads. Also articles if positioned properly will bring in much more results for your clients than paid advertisements. Remember articles can be passed around the internet and shared on social media, tweeted and texted about and once an article is written and posted, you can leave an article up on a website for a much longer time period, years even which is much longer than a paid advertisement is active.
1. Titles are very important in internet marketing. First, you must come up with a catchy title to promote and attract more business. But again, just a good title is not enough when we are talking online promotions. Search engines assign more power to keywords that are in titles. It is also always helpful if you use keywords in your titles so people who typed that particular keyword into their search see the same word they searched for in your articles title and know they are at the right place. Another tip is to include a capture summary under the title with which you can mention the benefits of reading your article.
2. Make sure that your article is well organized as well as visually pleasing to the eye. Instead of just writing your article long paragraph by long paragraph, maximize the use of bullets or numbers to stress important points. Bold key phrases! Keep paragraph short and to the point. Replace industry jargon with more everyday terminology unless you are writing for a very specific professional audience. This will make the reading experience effortless and the reader will be able to remember it easily.
3. Once you finish writing the article, read it over and see if you understand it. Fix the slow moving areas and further explain the stuff that is not perfectly clear. Next, give the article to someone to read then see what they say. If there are some concerns, edit it because although you may be an expert in this matter, your readers may not and the reason why they want to read is generally to learn more about something.
4. After you post, don’t forget to check the industry involved from time to time to see if there are any new developments on your topic, and to see if there is anything new you might like to add to your posted articles to keep them fresh and current. This is where variety comes in as there are different ways of stressing a point. Sometimes you can tweak an article to give it a fresh look and thus extend the length of its publishable life. The bottom line is that you want people to visit your client’s site.
5. Lastly, tell your readers where they can go to find out more about the subject then give them a link to another of your articles or send them to where ever your client wishes to send them; probably a membership sign up page or a product or service offer.
Promoting a website thought article marketing is very easy. If you tailor your titles and article body to address the needs of a very specific audience you will get less traffic but a more specific type of visitor. Done properly, you will undoubtedly get more highly targeted traffic which is what this form of advertising and promotion is all about.
Things To Achieve Before You Submit To Article Directories
By Stu Leventhal
To all creative writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills and putting your communication abilities to good use. It is the age of technology and on the net, good quality content is still king. These are the times when a knowledgeable, quality, trained professional writer is worth his or her weight in gold. The internet is booming and whether it is social media, blogging or websites all platforms involve good written text.
Along with modern communication technology, comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective online techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is why article writing, submissions and publications are so popular.
There are already many tools that people can use to make the process of distributing their articles more easily. This is invaluable in getting the contents more exposure, yet only half of the story.
Let us take a look first at the common mistakes that some people make before submitting their contents to article directories:
1. Don’t confuse the reason you are promoting the articles with the reason you are writing them.
In article writing, there are three key benefits why you are promoting them; branding, lead generation and promotion. All are part of your optimization efforts. But, there is only one reason why you write an article, and that is to inform your audience. If the article is not focused on this as the most important primary purpose, it will fail to achieve the three promotion benefits because no one will be interested in reading the text long enough to achieve the desired benefits.
You need to figure out first how to get people to read what is in your article then make them click on your resource box, links and offers. You can achieve this by producing better content. Content is gaged in a few ways; entertainment value, information worth and the clarity and conciseness of the message. The first and the last are achieved by experienced writers who have worked hard to perfect their craft. Information worth is acquired through good researching skills.
2. Maximize the promotional opportunities of article marketing.
You may know already that your articles can help you generate additional links back to your website. But do you know that you can get more visitors and better search engine results from the same articles?
Mention keywords at strategic places. Just be sure not to overdo them. Some article writers even add anchor texts which is also an effective method. But it is important to know that a majority of the specialized directories are not able to support this.
Remember that it is not only about the links back to your site. Part of doing well in your article marketing is getting picked up by publishers with a large number of audiences and gaining the ability of leveraging other brands because of the quality of your work. Better search engine results also are great benefits. Getting your articles published all over the web requires some advanced planning. You need to find out what subject concerning your niche is hot right now! Then tailor your articles to discuss the hot topics in a unique original way.
*Remember, article marketing efforts are ultimately judged by how much they boost your client’s earnings, not just by increasing the number of visitors to your site. Start out with a plan and see to it that your article will serve the function that you intended it to have.
3. Publishing content that helps your readers not just for attracting traffic.
Sometimes we use the process of writing articles, primarily to get links back to a site. And, generating direct visitors is not our main goal but we are attempting to please the search engines who value the amount of backlinks a site has pointing to it. Just remember not all article banks and directories are going to accept your content automatically. Often times, they have some guidelines and specifications on the articles that they are accepting. You can double the number of sites you can submit to by writing articles that the directories want to share with other people. All it takes is one publisher with a hundred thousand readers to increase your potential audience overnight.
Write the articles that publishers want in their publications if you want your article marketing to work the most effective way for you. This also means you have to obey the standard writing guidelines, spell checks, proper grammar and punctuation. Researching a good topic also helps and even hiring an industry expert to endorse your writing adds trust and authority.
In the end, your strategy is all really a matter of choice of you and your client’s part. Article marketing can be used to start getting a little exposure from increased links back on a very basic level. Or enjoy massive exposure from a little extra time making quality content. You should be aware of the fact that an article submitted on global directories is not meant to have the same level of exposure as highly-targeted content which is written and published to address a narrow group of people. The targeted traffic converts to more sales.
Master the difference techniques above and they will surely help you know what kinds of articles to write, how to write them for maximum effect and where to submit them for maximum results.
To all creative writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills and putting your communication abilities to good use. It is the age of technology and on the net, good quality content is still king. These are the times when a knowledgeable, quality, trained professional writer is worth his or her weight in gold. The internet is booming and whether it is social media, blogging or websites all platforms involve good written text.
Along with modern communication technology, comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective online techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is why article writing, submissions and publications are so popular.
There are already many tools that people can use to make the process of distributing their articles more easily. This is invaluable in getting the contents more exposure, yet only half of the story.
Let us take a look first at the common mistakes that some people make before submitting their contents to article directories:
1. Don’t confuse the reason you are promoting the articles with the reason you are writing them.
In article writing, there are three key benefits why you are promoting them; branding, lead generation and promotion. All are part of your optimization efforts. But, there is only one reason why you write an article, and that is to inform your audience. If the article is not focused on this as the most important primary purpose, it will fail to achieve the three promotion benefits because no one will be interested in reading the text long enough to achieve the desired benefits.
You need to figure out first how to get people to read what is in your article then make them click on your resource box, links and offers. You can achieve this by producing better content. Content is gaged in a few ways; entertainment value, information worth and the clarity and conciseness of the message. The first and the last are achieved by experienced writers who have worked hard to perfect their craft. Information worth is acquired through good researching skills.
2. Maximize the promotional opportunities of article marketing.
You may know already that your articles can help you generate additional links back to your website. But do you know that you can get more visitors and better search engine results from the same articles?
Mention keywords at strategic places. Just be sure not to overdo them. Some article writers even add anchor texts which is also an effective method. But it is important to know that a majority of the specialized directories are not able to support this.
Remember that it is not only about the links back to your site. Part of doing well in your article marketing is getting picked up by publishers with a large number of audiences and gaining the ability of leveraging other brands because of the quality of your work. Better search engine results also are great benefits. Getting your articles published all over the web requires some advanced planning. You need to find out what subject concerning your niche is hot right now! Then tailor your articles to discuss the hot topics in a unique original way.
*Remember, article marketing efforts are ultimately judged by how much they boost your client’s earnings, not just by increasing the number of visitors to your site. Start out with a plan and see to it that your article will serve the function that you intended it to have.
3. Publishing content that helps your readers not just for attracting traffic.
Sometimes we use the process of writing articles, primarily to get links back to a site. And, generating direct visitors is not our main goal but we are attempting to please the search engines who value the amount of backlinks a site has pointing to it. Just remember not all article banks and directories are going to accept your content automatically. Often times, they have some guidelines and specifications on the articles that they are accepting. You can double the number of sites you can submit to by writing articles that the directories want to share with other people. All it takes is one publisher with a hundred thousand readers to increase your potential audience overnight.
Write the articles that publishers want in their publications if you want your article marketing to work the most effective way for you. This also means you have to obey the standard writing guidelines, spell checks, proper grammar and punctuation. Researching a good topic also helps and even hiring an industry expert to endorse your writing adds trust and authority.
In the end, your strategy is all really a matter of choice of you and your client’s part. Article marketing can be used to start getting a little exposure from increased links back on a very basic level. Or enjoy massive exposure from a little extra time making quality content. You should be aware of the fact that an article submitted on global directories is not meant to have the same level of exposure as highly-targeted content which is written and published to address a narrow group of people. The targeted traffic converts to more sales.
Master the difference techniques above and they will surely help you know what kinds of articles to write, how to write them for maximum effect and where to submit them for maximum results.
Writing Your Article Resource Box So People ClickA resource box is found at the end of an internet article. It contains the name of the author, a brief description of the author, a brief description of the sponsoring website and a link to a webpage relevant to the subject of the article. Ideally, when a reader likes what they read, they should have the urge to find out where the article came from to read more. The resource box will be their fast clickable gateway to the source of the article. Hopefully the quality of the article they just finished reading will entice them to go to the website and do some more reading or research about the same subject or similar topics they are already interested in.
For example, the sites they originally went to may be a large article directory site featuring many great articles about a whole lot of topics. Since the website is known to carry well written articles by quality writers many people will go their then search their inventory for the subject of their pleasure rather than use a search engine to search the whole internet and have to scroll through many inferior articles before they find what they are looking to read about. As an article directory website visitor reads the articles they have searched for, they find at the end of the article the resource box that can be clicked on to take them to the site that has submitted the article. Of course the article should be in relation to the website that submits. Let’s say. if the article is about rotating the tires, the resource box may lead to a link to a site that sells tires or car parts. But like the article itself, the resource box must also be eye-catching to command the attention and interest of the reader. While the resource box encompasses only a small space, including the right keywords and content inside your resource box will provide more incentive for the reader to go to your intended website, squeeze page or sales pitch. Thus, the main benefit of having a good resource box is to help drive traffic to your site. Many websites allow articles to be placed on their sites because they can make use of the free articles to fill their pages as well as entertain their audience. They also gain affiliation with other sites that can be beneficial for them as well. For the website that sponsors the article, they get people to click on their resource box link and generate traffic that can be counted upon as potential customers. A side benefit is that search engines count backlinks when they determine the page ranking of a webpage. The more links the better the page ranks! So, posting articles around the web and linking them back to your money website through the use of the reference box link also helps you raise the page rank of the webpage you link back to. The better the page rank the more traffic the search engines send you. Thus building the correct backlinks inside your reference boxes as well as using the best keywords you are trying to rank your webpage for becomes very important and is considered a powerful SEO strategy worth studying and learning how to perfect. There are many tools you can find in the internet that can help you in determining what keywords to use. You can learn about the proper keywords that people are mainly searching for on our sister website: You only get a small space for your resource box so you should better make the most of it. Use your creativity to catch the attention of your reader with resource box content that makes them take notice! You have limited space and no visual aids to drive your point home. But similar to the way we've taught you to Tweet on Twitter, use your imagination to intrigue the reader to click your link. Twitter advice can be found here: A well designed resource box will provide a significant aid in driving traffic to your site. A boring resource box will never get the job done. Be fun and creative but at the same time show that you have something great to offer. You only get one chance to wow! |
Ways Creative Writers Make