Understanding Blogging
by Stu Leventhal
Chat rooms, instant messengers and electronic mails were created for communication and dialog to help man expand his opportunities for building global interaction. The need for a personalized human face aspect quickly became apparent to the online communities.
The technological landscape of the internet is slowly changing to accommodate building worldwide communications at a more personal level. Blogs, weblogs or blogging are the newest gift of internet communication for people interested in connecting with people from all over the world. Daily updated posts from all corners of the globe of personalized life snippets, some mundane, some bizarre in nature, are being shared with anyone who has access to an internet connection the world over. But What Should I Blog About? For most, a blog is a personal, unedited and authentic journal meant to be shared in an online community made up of other like -minded bloggers. A blog site is a place where bloggers can publish anything; thoughts, feelings, special coming events, experiences, comments on issues, news and so on. It is like an online diary which can be enhanced with audio feeds, videos and links to other places on the World Wide Web. Bloggers post documents, newsletters and opinions on just about any topic one could be interested in. Most blogs welcome the insights and opinions of all who wish to comment. Thus, most blogs are written informally, in a conversational tone appropriate to reach a large, diverse audience. Blogging is all about individuals in one place reaching out to other individuals somewhere else and keeping everyone in the group updated on what’s happening in each other’s lives. Having a blog has its advantages. Looking for maximum freedom of expression? Blogs generally are not edited or censored. Now, freedom of speech has truly, finally, reached all corners of the globe. The concept of being able to rant and rave about virtually any topic you wish, up to a few years ago, was unheard of on a large part of our planet. Now people of all statuses and stations can hear you out and give their own opinion back about virtually anything be it trivial or serious. People in Hollywood California are connecting with people in Sydney Australia. People in Toyonaka Japan are discussing politics with French Canadians living in Quebec. Blogging is networking at its best. Businesses were quick to see their opportunities then jumped on board. Having a blog is a good platform for a business to exchange lines of communication and share genuine ideas with their consumers. Showcasing many testimonials and sound unbiased opinions is much better advertising than just showing products and quoting a price. Blogging has become the new platform for advertising products, a refreshing change from the traditional advertising outlets and it is very cost effective. |
Free Writing is a creative writing brainstorming technique. Free Writers just start typing anything that pops into their head. The goal is to type for 15 minutes, non-stop then see what you have.
Gaining public opinion, on products and services, is important for upgrading and improving products. Blogs can supply you with quick helpful comments from your customers. Blogs are a natural format for the exchange of ideas, an excellent means of communication between the seller and the consumer. Blogs comments can supply a business with great feedback concerning service as well as new product ideas. Blogging with one’s customers, helps build trust and customer loyalty. Business blogs can also be useful as an internal tool of communicating between employees and different departments of a company. Blogs can be used to build employee knowledge, for harnessing employee ideas and feedback on issues, as well as for identifying human resource problems ahead of time. Search engine optimized blogs are being used effectively to gain exposure for new products and services.
There are many hosting services available on the internet. When deciding which one of the services will be the best to start off with, beginners should look into what extra unique services each host is offering then weigh the offers against their individual needs. One should also take into account, how updated the host is with all the new blogging features that are constantly being created. Companies may decide to manage their own blogs or pay a contractor to run their blog. There are a lot of paid and free services available for helping people and businesses manage their blogs. A good blog needs to have easy access to blog comments and easy user instructions for commenters. Conversing with lots of people is the goal.
If your blog is popular in a particular online community you can offer links going back to your blog site to other blog sites and even websites. If you build up a lot of traffic (visitors) to your blog site you may even be able to sell links to your site.
Choosing a niche category helps in classifying your blog for searches so people can find your blog. Categories act as libraries classifying posts by subject matter; education, politics, sports etc. Creating tags help by classifying subjects even further and more specifically. Now, customers or interested parties can locate the appropriate blog that pertain to certain topics of interest simply by clicking the tags.
Free blog hosting services are gaining in popularity but they are mostly for personal use such as online journals. Paid blog hosting services offer unlimited choices of package deals best for companies. A beginning blogger should check out some blogs, join and comment and get comfortable with the whole process before picking a host on which to set up your one’s blog. Get acquainted with the different formats and design layouts. The most important thing to consider is the level of technical support and customer service the host offers. After picking a host, your next move will be to plan your blog’s design and structure. Pick a style that meets the needs of both you and your target audience and participants.
Ideally a blogger should post a new blog a minimum of a few times a week. Establish an open, credible tone with your followers. Start looking for web links to other blogs and websites in your niche. Always post your blogs in the first person. If a business blog, focus on your objective while maintaining an honest, engaging conversational quality. Ease into advertising and selling. It’s best to talk about a product’s features and benefits rather than jumping right into sales pitches and prices. Remember, whatever the look, style and content found on your blog, it’s all a reflection on you personally and or on your company.
There are many hosting services available on the internet. When deciding which one of the services will be the best to start off with, beginners should look into what extra unique services each host is offering then weigh the offers against their individual needs. One should also take into account, how updated the host is with all the new blogging features that are constantly being created. Companies may decide to manage their own blogs or pay a contractor to run their blog. There are a lot of paid and free services available for helping people and businesses manage their blogs. A good blog needs to have easy access to blog comments and easy user instructions for commenters. Conversing with lots of people is the goal.
If your blog is popular in a particular online community you can offer links going back to your blog site to other blog sites and even websites. If you build up a lot of traffic (visitors) to your blog site you may even be able to sell links to your site.
Choosing a niche category helps in classifying your blog for searches so people can find your blog. Categories act as libraries classifying posts by subject matter; education, politics, sports etc. Creating tags help by classifying subjects even further and more specifically. Now, customers or interested parties can locate the appropriate blog that pertain to certain topics of interest simply by clicking the tags.
Free blog hosting services are gaining in popularity but they are mostly for personal use such as online journals. Paid blog hosting services offer unlimited choices of package deals best for companies. A beginning blogger should check out some blogs, join and comment and get comfortable with the whole process before picking a host on which to set up your one’s blog. Get acquainted with the different formats and design layouts. The most important thing to consider is the level of technical support and customer service the host offers. After picking a host, your next move will be to plan your blog’s design and structure. Pick a style that meets the needs of both you and your target audience and participants.
Ideally a blogger should post a new blog a minimum of a few times a week. Establish an open, credible tone with your followers. Start looking for web links to other blogs and websites in your niche. Always post your blogs in the first person. If a business blog, focus on your objective while maintaining an honest, engaging conversational quality. Ease into advertising and selling. It’s best to talk about a product’s features and benefits rather than jumping right into sales pitches and prices. Remember, whatever the look, style and content found on your blog, it’s all a reflection on you personally and or on your company.
by Stu Leventhal
If writing is an art then blogging is the newest, most popular, word art technique invented in a long while. The original blogging technology and first formats for blogging were designed to be used as business journals and daily data recording tools for industry. The first, mass of people attracted to the blogging form, who were interested in adapting the form to their own particular needs, were the techies who knew about it. Many of the techies (computer geeks) were creative and artistic by nature and thus naturally introduced the format of blogging into the artist community by association. As soon as the artist community discovered the medium, artists all over the world began to good naturally, compete with one another to come up with ways to jazz up the otherwise static and boring business record keeping format. As the blog format became more interesting and entertaining the general public began to take an interest.
Blogs are simple to use. The basics are simple to teach and easy to learn. Blogging is one of the rare aspects of the internet that people with virtually no computer training or formal skills can pick up and even become an expert on, in very little time (a few months). This, anyone can blog, nature of blogging, has made the general public fall in love with the craze. Blogging appeals to old people, young people, as well as people of every race, creed and denomination. The fact that a newcomer doesn’t even need to have their own website to start a blog makes trying one’s hand out at blogging convenient. Even more convenient for getting started is the numerous blog providers on the World Wide Web who offer basic start up packages, free of charge. These providers are anxious to get as many people started blogging as they can knowing once you start blogging you probably will be hooked. The Providers hope, as your blog gets more and more popular, you will start to purchase some of their add-on features.
The fast growth of the blogging concept naturally had to eventually catch the attention of the marketing and advertising industries. Realizing the great potential for promotion that blogs presented, the advertising and marketing industries began pumping tons of money into developing the best ways to exploit the new blogging phenomena.
The influx of money brought top notch innovation and creativity at professional levels to the dynamics of blogging. The advertising and marketing industries revolutionized blogging, adding sophistication while keeping the original, simple and charming journal like format that was the original draw to blogging’s popularity. Now, blogging had legitimacy and bloggers who used to hide their identities behind coded, cultural nick names, were coming out of the underground and proudly signing their names to their work. Blogging had arrived and was here to stay.
Today bloggers blog about almost everything; Entertainment, business, education, current events, the environment, education, sports… The most popular blogs are niche focused and very receptive to participation, even welcoming and encouraging their followers to interact by leaving comments and suggesting topics for later blogs. Bloggers don’t necessarily need great writing skills. Most blogs are informal and thus the language and style of the blogger tends to emulate a ‘standing on the corner conversation’ rather than a text book excerpt. But, to communicate with large audiences of readers it is obviously advisable to utilize good rules of grammar, basic and proper language diction, proper spelling and punctuation and decent word choice, so everyone can easily understand what you’re trying to say.
If you are thinking of creating a blog, whether for business, perhaps to advertise or promote a service or products, or for personal pleasure, maybe because you think it would be fun to communicate with people the world over on a subject you enjoy; below you will find a few insider blogging tips to help you get going and to help ensure your blog is one of the more interesting and engaging, thus popular blogs online. Remember to always consider your audience when blogging. What is the mind set of your followers? What will interest them? What will rile them up enough to post a reply or excite them enough to tweet all their friends about your newest post?
1. Make constructive and beneficial blogs that contribute valuable information. If you want your readers to come back, give them something useful, make sure it is always free, even if it is only free advice, tips, knowledge or entertainment that you are giving away. And, hint that there’s more free stuff to come.
2. Bear in mind that people go to blogs and participate in blogs regularly because they like to sound off. So always create your blogs so that they end leaving the door open for plenty of more discussion. Your followers want their chance to be heard. But, you might be thinking, won’t those types of people simply create their own blog and thus have more control of the subject matter? No. The beauty for the commenter is in how easy it is for them to log onto your blog at their utmost convenience and participate in an engaging conversation, without the work of running a blog themselves or dealing with the problems that come with up-keeping a website. Remember your commenters are contributing free content to your blog. As your blog becomes more and more popular, some of your commenters will gain celebrity like status. People will actually log onto your blog mainly to find out what so and so, who is a frequent, entertaining commenter, said last. Yes, ultimately you always control the direction your blog moves in. You have censorship power to delete any contributor’s comments that you find not appropriate and can start a new conversation by posting a new subject any time. But, you must remember your role; to start and promote engaging interaction between likeminded individuals. Your goal is to build a community of repeat, interacting commenters all interested in conversing and sharing ideas on the same subject. Your blog brings people together from all over the world who otherwise would never encounter each other even if it is only through brief verbal comments and textual interaction. Remember, you have a responsibilities and obligations to your followers and number one is to keep the avenues of communication open.
3. Stay current and try to utilize al the new technologies being developed for use on the internet, especially entertainment technologies. Remember, you are competing for your followers’ time with other bloggers and websites. Adding photos, audio feeds and videos will make your posts more entertaining and easier for your followers to share via social media like Facebook, You tube, Pinterest and others. Helping your followers to be able to tell their friends about your blog is the key to gaining mass exposure by hooking into the viral aspect of social media. People love to share great photography, audio and videos with others. Just be sure the flashy garnishes you add to enhance your blog are relevant to the text and message your blog conveys.
4. Avoid making multifaceted blogs. Focusing on too many subjects confuses your audience. It also hinders you from achieving expert status on any one subject. People who log onto your blog expect you to be the authority on the subject, otherwise why should they bother listening to anything you have to say.
5. Try not to make your blog so serious and technical. People who participate in blogging do it mainly for entertainment. They don’t like complicated big word they need to look up in the encyclopedia. They go to blogs to participate in conversational type of interaction. Text book terminology is a turnoff.
6. People, who use the internet, in general do more scanning than scrutinizing whole websites page by page and word for word. Keeping text brief, simple to understand and to the point is key. Again, your job is to get your followers conversing not to fill in all the blanks by yourself. Short blogs are best. Stay away from long winded data filled conversations that tend to get boring.
7. Make your followers feel at home when visiting your blog. Remember to be interactive with your commenters. When they ask a question, post an answer personally addressed to them. When commenters suggest a topic, if the topic is appropriate, accommodate sometime in the near future.
8. Most blogs fail due to neglect, so try to post regularly and frequently, every few days at the minimum. If you run out of things to say, or don’t have the time to keep up with your blog, consider using a contractor to blog for you for a while. You can also use a guest blogger. Opening your blog to guest bloggers give your followers another point of view. Frequently, you can convince a guest blogger to post on your site, in exchange for the publicity the guest will receive from you’re the large amount of membership.
9. If your ultimate goal is to make money from your blog, go about it tactfully. Let’s face it, who likes to read advertisements? No one! Designing our posts to look anything like a marketing pitch is the fastest way to lose followers.
10. Offer links to other, subject related blogs and websites that will add to your followers experience. Don’t be scared that the other websites will steel your followers. The benefit of sharing content is the basis of the internet. The benefit of sharing and the followers you will ultimately gain by implementing a good link building strategy will far out-weigh the few followers you may lose to a link.
Blogs are simple to use. The basics are simple to teach and easy to learn. Blogging is one of the rare aspects of the internet that people with virtually no computer training or formal skills can pick up and even become an expert on, in very little time (a few months). This, anyone can blog, nature of blogging, has made the general public fall in love with the craze. Blogging appeals to old people, young people, as well as people of every race, creed and denomination. The fact that a newcomer doesn’t even need to have their own website to start a blog makes trying one’s hand out at blogging convenient. Even more convenient for getting started is the numerous blog providers on the World Wide Web who offer basic start up packages, free of charge. These providers are anxious to get as many people started blogging as they can knowing once you start blogging you probably will be hooked. The Providers hope, as your blog gets more and more popular, you will start to purchase some of their add-on features.
The fast growth of the blogging concept naturally had to eventually catch the attention of the marketing and advertising industries. Realizing the great potential for promotion that blogs presented, the advertising and marketing industries began pumping tons of money into developing the best ways to exploit the new blogging phenomena.
The influx of money brought top notch innovation and creativity at professional levels to the dynamics of blogging. The advertising and marketing industries revolutionized blogging, adding sophistication while keeping the original, simple and charming journal like format that was the original draw to blogging’s popularity. Now, blogging had legitimacy and bloggers who used to hide their identities behind coded, cultural nick names, were coming out of the underground and proudly signing their names to their work. Blogging had arrived and was here to stay.
Today bloggers blog about almost everything; Entertainment, business, education, current events, the environment, education, sports… The most popular blogs are niche focused and very receptive to participation, even welcoming and encouraging their followers to interact by leaving comments and suggesting topics for later blogs. Bloggers don’t necessarily need great writing skills. Most blogs are informal and thus the language and style of the blogger tends to emulate a ‘standing on the corner conversation’ rather than a text book excerpt. But, to communicate with large audiences of readers it is obviously advisable to utilize good rules of grammar, basic and proper language diction, proper spelling and punctuation and decent word choice, so everyone can easily understand what you’re trying to say.
If you are thinking of creating a blog, whether for business, perhaps to advertise or promote a service or products, or for personal pleasure, maybe because you think it would be fun to communicate with people the world over on a subject you enjoy; below you will find a few insider blogging tips to help you get going and to help ensure your blog is one of the more interesting and engaging, thus popular blogs online. Remember to always consider your audience when blogging. What is the mind set of your followers? What will interest them? What will rile them up enough to post a reply or excite them enough to tweet all their friends about your newest post?
1. Make constructive and beneficial blogs that contribute valuable information. If you want your readers to come back, give them something useful, make sure it is always free, even if it is only free advice, tips, knowledge or entertainment that you are giving away. And, hint that there’s more free stuff to come.
2. Bear in mind that people go to blogs and participate in blogs regularly because they like to sound off. So always create your blogs so that they end leaving the door open for plenty of more discussion. Your followers want their chance to be heard. But, you might be thinking, won’t those types of people simply create their own blog and thus have more control of the subject matter? No. The beauty for the commenter is in how easy it is for them to log onto your blog at their utmost convenience and participate in an engaging conversation, without the work of running a blog themselves or dealing with the problems that come with up-keeping a website. Remember your commenters are contributing free content to your blog. As your blog becomes more and more popular, some of your commenters will gain celebrity like status. People will actually log onto your blog mainly to find out what so and so, who is a frequent, entertaining commenter, said last. Yes, ultimately you always control the direction your blog moves in. You have censorship power to delete any contributor’s comments that you find not appropriate and can start a new conversation by posting a new subject any time. But, you must remember your role; to start and promote engaging interaction between likeminded individuals. Your goal is to build a community of repeat, interacting commenters all interested in conversing and sharing ideas on the same subject. Your blog brings people together from all over the world who otherwise would never encounter each other even if it is only through brief verbal comments and textual interaction. Remember, you have a responsibilities and obligations to your followers and number one is to keep the avenues of communication open.
3. Stay current and try to utilize al the new technologies being developed for use on the internet, especially entertainment technologies. Remember, you are competing for your followers’ time with other bloggers and websites. Adding photos, audio feeds and videos will make your posts more entertaining and easier for your followers to share via social media like Facebook, You tube, Pinterest and others. Helping your followers to be able to tell their friends about your blog is the key to gaining mass exposure by hooking into the viral aspect of social media. People love to share great photography, audio and videos with others. Just be sure the flashy garnishes you add to enhance your blog are relevant to the text and message your blog conveys.
4. Avoid making multifaceted blogs. Focusing on too many subjects confuses your audience. It also hinders you from achieving expert status on any one subject. People who log onto your blog expect you to be the authority on the subject, otherwise why should they bother listening to anything you have to say.
5. Try not to make your blog so serious and technical. People who participate in blogging do it mainly for entertainment. They don’t like complicated big word they need to look up in the encyclopedia. They go to blogs to participate in conversational type of interaction. Text book terminology is a turnoff.
6. People, who use the internet, in general do more scanning than scrutinizing whole websites page by page and word for word. Keeping text brief, simple to understand and to the point is key. Again, your job is to get your followers conversing not to fill in all the blanks by yourself. Short blogs are best. Stay away from long winded data filled conversations that tend to get boring.
7. Make your followers feel at home when visiting your blog. Remember to be interactive with your commenters. When they ask a question, post an answer personally addressed to them. When commenters suggest a topic, if the topic is appropriate, accommodate sometime in the near future.
8. Most blogs fail due to neglect, so try to post regularly and frequently, every few days at the minimum. If you run out of things to say, or don’t have the time to keep up with your blog, consider using a contractor to blog for you for a while. You can also use a guest blogger. Opening your blog to guest bloggers give your followers another point of view. Frequently, you can convince a guest blogger to post on your site, in exchange for the publicity the guest will receive from you’re the large amount of membership.
9. If your ultimate goal is to make money from your blog, go about it tactfully. Let’s face it, who likes to read advertisements? No one! Designing our posts to look anything like a marketing pitch is the fastest way to lose followers.
10. Offer links to other, subject related blogs and websites that will add to your followers experience. Don’t be scared that the other websites will steel your followers. The benefit of sharing content is the basis of the internet. The benefit of sharing and the followers you will ultimately gain by implementing a good link building strategy will far out-weigh the few followers you may lose to a link.
Blog Writing Tips (101)
Making Money With Blogging
by Stu Leventhal
The key to online marketing is quality content. To get ahead of your competition, you have to write well and often. The ability to write and post fresh engaging content on a timely basis is an advantage in terms of all marketing but especially important when engaging in social media marketing which blogs rely heavily on for publicity. When you are counting on other people to talk about you and your blog and share you and your content with their friends and associates you have to give them something worth shouting about. People Tweet about new ideas and cutting edge innovation not about last year’s news. People follow other people on Face Book who update regularly and have something interesting to say. Search engines also value, constantly updated blogs higher up in status, listing them as more important in their ranking systems than blogs and websites that are static.
You can find plenty of sound creative writing advice and tips to jazz up your blog writing content throughout the Anewtale.com website. There are joke writing tips, poetry writing tips, business writing advice, all just waiting to help you, for free. Browse the web pages and learn at your own speed. Look over the fine examples of flash fiction then attempt to write a flash mystery or sci-fi tale for your blog. A well written poem makes a fine addition to any blog. If you can’t find a writing subject you’d like help with simply leave a comment in our blog or send us an email and we’ll try to post an answer that will help you or at least point you in the right direction.
In addition to good written content, adding video and audio are effective ways to liven up a blog that is ultimately being used as an online marketing method. You can add games and puzzles to keep things interesting. Contests are great for keeping followers engaged and coming back for more.
The best online marketers are experts at getting others to spread the word about their products or services. When blogging, as a means of advertising and marketing, it is prudent to camouflage your main intent, of selling goods or services because nobody wants to read an advertisement. Also anyone who constantly shares advertisements by tweeting or text messaging ads to their friends quickly loses those friends. E-mailing advertisements is considered spamming which is also frowned upon by the internet community. If you wish to be successful at blogging, dedicate yourself to provide remarkable, textual content that will identify you as an authority on your niche. This empowers others to shout your praise, which ultimately helps you get the word out about your business or the service or product you are promoting. Take advantage of the inherent viral information makeup of the Internet.
Writing blog posts
You can significantly increase your visibility when you post blogs pertaining to one area of expertise. Try to make your posts informational. Don’t waste anybody’s time with commercials disguised as blog posts. The key to blogging is to provide enough value to warrant more discussion or to create a controversy. Don’t provide so much stuff that no one will feel the need to comment. A successful blog is not a bunch of articles written by one person, no matter how much of a recognized expert the blogger is or how great a writer the blogger is. Blogs are rated by the amount of intermingling being done by the readers, fans and followers of the blog. The blogger is rated by his/her ability to get people to comment and contribute to the online discussion.
People will eventually take notice when you have something of value to say. Blogs deemed valuable are; Tweeted, posted on Face Book, their photos are pinned on Pinterest, they are shared via e-mail, text messages, mentioned in newsletters and links to them are embedded in e-directories. In most cases, the author receives links to other blogs and websites in the same niche. The links as well as the other social media hype helps generate traffic back to your blog. Links and social media success helps to improve your search engine results helping more people, interested in your niche, find your blog. The more links you have pointing to your blog the better search engines rate your blog. Links are good.
As you become a prolific blogger concerning your specialty niche, you build your own reputation as well as the reputation of your blog. This high reputation in your niche community enables new interested parties to find your website indirectly.
Constantly being the first to report something new about your niche is one of the best ways to get others to respect you as an authority. Blogging is usually done in an informal fashion, allowing you to appear more human than an author of an article on the same subject. You can portray your industry much more interestingly to your readers through conversational writing. If your ultimate goal is to sell goods or services, blogging can be invaluable. People buy much more from people they know because they feel they can trust them. Blogging allows you the opportunity to let huge amounts of people interested in your field of expertise, get to know you in a much more personable way than they will ever know your non-blogging competitors.
Just remember, the blog is not about you. It is about providing valuable information about your field of specialty to your followers (prospective future customers). If you offer outstanding content and regular industry updates, people will want to share your content, thus promoting your blog to their friends and associates as well as connecting to your blog with back links, all will continually increase your site's popularity. This is virtually free advertisement, except for your time you spend posting and addressing your followers’ comments.
When you blog you are elevating your status to expert level. Everyone would rather buy from an expert rather than a sales person. Your readers are also more likely to buy from you, since they feel they know you. They’ve been reading your engaging yet personable blog posts and when people like someone they are loyal. Few will be lure away by another business or sales person who they don’t know from Adam. If you provide valuable, rich content to your blog visitors, they will spread the word for you. Why not let your blog followers recommend your business to their friends and others, in essence becoming your unpaid external sales force
You can find plenty of sound creative writing advice and tips to jazz up your blog writing content throughout the Anewtale.com website. There are joke writing tips, poetry writing tips, business writing advice, all just waiting to help you, for free. Browse the web pages and learn at your own speed. Look over the fine examples of flash fiction then attempt to write a flash mystery or sci-fi tale for your blog. A well written poem makes a fine addition to any blog. If you can’t find a writing subject you’d like help with simply leave a comment in our blog or send us an email and we’ll try to post an answer that will help you or at least point you in the right direction.
In addition to good written content, adding video and audio are effective ways to liven up a blog that is ultimately being used as an online marketing method. You can add games and puzzles to keep things interesting. Contests are great for keeping followers engaged and coming back for more.
The best online marketers are experts at getting others to spread the word about their products or services. When blogging, as a means of advertising and marketing, it is prudent to camouflage your main intent, of selling goods or services because nobody wants to read an advertisement. Also anyone who constantly shares advertisements by tweeting or text messaging ads to their friends quickly loses those friends. E-mailing advertisements is considered spamming which is also frowned upon by the internet community. If you wish to be successful at blogging, dedicate yourself to provide remarkable, textual content that will identify you as an authority on your niche. This empowers others to shout your praise, which ultimately helps you get the word out about your business or the service or product you are promoting. Take advantage of the inherent viral information makeup of the Internet.
Writing blog posts
You can significantly increase your visibility when you post blogs pertaining to one area of expertise. Try to make your posts informational. Don’t waste anybody’s time with commercials disguised as blog posts. The key to blogging is to provide enough value to warrant more discussion or to create a controversy. Don’t provide so much stuff that no one will feel the need to comment. A successful blog is not a bunch of articles written by one person, no matter how much of a recognized expert the blogger is or how great a writer the blogger is. Blogs are rated by the amount of intermingling being done by the readers, fans and followers of the blog. The blogger is rated by his/her ability to get people to comment and contribute to the online discussion.
People will eventually take notice when you have something of value to say. Blogs deemed valuable are; Tweeted, posted on Face Book, their photos are pinned on Pinterest, they are shared via e-mail, text messages, mentioned in newsletters and links to them are embedded in e-directories. In most cases, the author receives links to other blogs and websites in the same niche. The links as well as the other social media hype helps generate traffic back to your blog. Links and social media success helps to improve your search engine results helping more people, interested in your niche, find your blog. The more links you have pointing to your blog the better search engines rate your blog. Links are good.
As you become a prolific blogger concerning your specialty niche, you build your own reputation as well as the reputation of your blog. This high reputation in your niche community enables new interested parties to find your website indirectly.
Constantly being the first to report something new about your niche is one of the best ways to get others to respect you as an authority. Blogging is usually done in an informal fashion, allowing you to appear more human than an author of an article on the same subject. You can portray your industry much more interestingly to your readers through conversational writing. If your ultimate goal is to sell goods or services, blogging can be invaluable. People buy much more from people they know because they feel they can trust them. Blogging allows you the opportunity to let huge amounts of people interested in your field of expertise, get to know you in a much more personable way than they will ever know your non-blogging competitors.
Just remember, the blog is not about you. It is about providing valuable information about your field of specialty to your followers (prospective future customers). If you offer outstanding content and regular industry updates, people will want to share your content, thus promoting your blog to their friends and associates as well as connecting to your blog with back links, all will continually increase your site's popularity. This is virtually free advertisement, except for your time you spend posting and addressing your followers’ comments.
When you blog you are elevating your status to expert level. Everyone would rather buy from an expert rather than a sales person. Your readers are also more likely to buy from you, since they feel they know you. They’ve been reading your engaging yet personable blog posts and when people like someone they are loyal. Few will be lure away by another business or sales person who they don’t know from Adam. If you provide valuable, rich content to your blog visitors, they will spread the word for you. Why not let your blog followers recommend your business to their friends and others, in essence becoming your unpaid external sales force
by Stu Leventhal
Because you can blog about anything, the precise explanation of what blogging is, depends on who you are talking to. Every day, new web technologies are created and thus, so are new types of blogs formatted to take advantage of the new new technologies. As long as the internet continues to evolve, so shall blogging evolve, each new blog type with a slightly different purpose.
For a lot of years, blogs were simply used as website logs. A website owner would make text based entries at regular intervals keeping track on the websites progress, like in a journals format. As the popularity of the internet grew attracting the main stream public, people began to think of other uses and chores the simple to use blogs could tackle. People first recognized how easy a blog could be adapted to be used for keeping a simple diary. Writers started to post their poetry and short story projects on their blogs. Creative web masters began looking for ways to jazz up their blogs and set them apart from the norm. Photo posting technology was the natural next addition so the diary keepers could better, share their experiences with their friends and families. The next step was adding audio then video was added. As people began to use their blogs for relaying business info to their colleges so graphs and more complicated reporting features were added. Special plug-ins were created to meet the needs of particular niches then quickly adapted so the general public could use them too.
Today blogs have come a long way from the simple text web journals they started out as. Now-a-days, Blogs come in all kinds of varieties, shapes and sizes. Blogging is used for hundreds of reasons; education, advertising and marketing, industry, news, social media…The trait that makes blogging so popular is that blogs allow their visitors to post comments. This interaction between reader/viewer and the author of the blog is truly a unique feature that takes communication to a higher level than anything else man has ever been involved in. In the past, a reporter would report the news via writing a newspaper article. That was improved to reading what happened over the radio. Next came, an anchorman on TV, reading facts interspersed with showing clips. With blogging all the past methods can be used plus now your audience can join in on the conversation. Also adding to the attractiveness of blogging is that the internet is global, meaning anyone anywhere on the planet with online access can participate in the conversations.
Technology continues to focus on making blogging easier for the host blogger and his/her followers to post. It is now possible to down load photos and videos from ones phone directly to your blog to be shared worldwide. Total video blogs with very little or no text are becoming popular. Companies use blogs to update their customers on industry news, new products, promotional events and to get feedback. There are blogging sites that make a new blog very inexpensive to start. Most of the blog hosting sites preload a lot of features to make blogging with them easy to learn. Blogging is being used professionally by many Pro-bloggers to make money in numerous different ways. Blogging really has grown quickly, into a modern phenomenon. Just about everyone is blogging these days. The blogging phenomenon continues to grow rapidly and is not being predicted to slow down anytime soon. The constantly changing shape of man’s future makes it hard to say what the next use for a blog will be.
Blogging allows just about anyone freedom of expression. Not too long ago, war cries were being rallied around the right to certain people having freedom of speech. With blogging so assessable to just about anyone, anywhere, the right to say what you want, how you want, when you want has almost become a give-in. Bloggers are very rarely edited or censored. For this reason, blogging has contributed to making it very difficult, close to impossible, for governments or powerful institutions to suppress individual thoughts and ideas as they did in the past. The global reach of blogging also allows people from all denominations, creeds and social backgrounds to intermingle. A lot of people communicating with one another and sharing ideas from around the globe, daily through blogging probably would never have known anything about each other’s worlds if it wasn’t for the invention and development of modern blog technology. Blogging is truly bringing people from all walks of life together in ways like never before.
People love to express themselves. When we have something we feel is important to say we want everyone to hear it. Nothing allows us to sound off on a subject, to such a huge audience of people, like blogging on the internet. Blogging has been made so convenient to do that you don’t even have to be home on the computer anymore to participate. People blog while they ride the train to work using their cell phones. That is why blogging is so popular and why so many people love to blog. People don’t just love posting on their own blogs, we equally love posting comments on other peoples’ blogs. Reading other peoples comments can be very enlightening, educational, entertaining and humorous. Blogging so far has been very receptive of new technology. There’s no reason to think blogging won’t continue to be able to adapt or incorporate the new technology of the future. For this reason the phenomenon of Blogging is expected to continue to grow and grow.
For a lot of years, blogs were simply used as website logs. A website owner would make text based entries at regular intervals keeping track on the websites progress, like in a journals format. As the popularity of the internet grew attracting the main stream public, people began to think of other uses and chores the simple to use blogs could tackle. People first recognized how easy a blog could be adapted to be used for keeping a simple diary. Writers started to post their poetry and short story projects on their blogs. Creative web masters began looking for ways to jazz up their blogs and set them apart from the norm. Photo posting technology was the natural next addition so the diary keepers could better, share their experiences with their friends and families. The next step was adding audio then video was added. As people began to use their blogs for relaying business info to their colleges so graphs and more complicated reporting features were added. Special plug-ins were created to meet the needs of particular niches then quickly adapted so the general public could use them too.
Today blogs have come a long way from the simple text web journals they started out as. Now-a-days, Blogs come in all kinds of varieties, shapes and sizes. Blogging is used for hundreds of reasons; education, advertising and marketing, industry, news, social media…The trait that makes blogging so popular is that blogs allow their visitors to post comments. This interaction between reader/viewer and the author of the blog is truly a unique feature that takes communication to a higher level than anything else man has ever been involved in. In the past, a reporter would report the news via writing a newspaper article. That was improved to reading what happened over the radio. Next came, an anchorman on TV, reading facts interspersed with showing clips. With blogging all the past methods can be used plus now your audience can join in on the conversation. Also adding to the attractiveness of blogging is that the internet is global, meaning anyone anywhere on the planet with online access can participate in the conversations.
Technology continues to focus on making blogging easier for the host blogger and his/her followers to post. It is now possible to down load photos and videos from ones phone directly to your blog to be shared worldwide. Total video blogs with very little or no text are becoming popular. Companies use blogs to update their customers on industry news, new products, promotional events and to get feedback. There are blogging sites that make a new blog very inexpensive to start. Most of the blog hosting sites preload a lot of features to make blogging with them easy to learn. Blogging is being used professionally by many Pro-bloggers to make money in numerous different ways. Blogging really has grown quickly, into a modern phenomenon. Just about everyone is blogging these days. The blogging phenomenon continues to grow rapidly and is not being predicted to slow down anytime soon. The constantly changing shape of man’s future makes it hard to say what the next use for a blog will be.
Blogging allows just about anyone freedom of expression. Not too long ago, war cries were being rallied around the right to certain people having freedom of speech. With blogging so assessable to just about anyone, anywhere, the right to say what you want, how you want, when you want has almost become a give-in. Bloggers are very rarely edited or censored. For this reason, blogging has contributed to making it very difficult, close to impossible, for governments or powerful institutions to suppress individual thoughts and ideas as they did in the past. The global reach of blogging also allows people from all denominations, creeds and social backgrounds to intermingle. A lot of people communicating with one another and sharing ideas from around the globe, daily through blogging probably would never have known anything about each other’s worlds if it wasn’t for the invention and development of modern blog technology. Blogging is truly bringing people from all walks of life together in ways like never before.
People love to express themselves. When we have something we feel is important to say we want everyone to hear it. Nothing allows us to sound off on a subject, to such a huge audience of people, like blogging on the internet. Blogging has been made so convenient to do that you don’t even have to be home on the computer anymore to participate. People blog while they ride the train to work using their cell phones. That is why blogging is so popular and why so many people love to blog. People don’t just love posting on their own blogs, we equally love posting comments on other peoples’ blogs. Reading other peoples comments can be very enlightening, educational, entertaining and humorous. Blogging so far has been very receptive of new technology. There’s no reason to think blogging won’t continue to be able to adapt or incorporate the new technology of the future. For this reason the phenomenon of Blogging is expected to continue to grow and grow.