"I just think it's important to the function of democracy," Elon Musk explained his reason for purchasing Twitter... "It's important to the function of the United States as a free country, and many other countries. And actually, to help freedom in the world, more broadly than the US. The civilizational risk is decreased the more we can increase the trust of Twitter as a public platform."
"Twitter, Tweeting, Tweet, Tweets."
Social Media, Tweeting Like A Pro Tweeter
(Communication with a 140 character limit)
by Stuart Leventhal
What’s all the hype about tweeting, Twitter and tweets? If you think sending little, 140 character blurbs, via text message format, using your cell phone is juvenile; you may just be missing the boat when it comes to free advertising online. But, mastering the art of communication using only 140 letters, characters and spaces is no simple task. As a creative writer who is attempting to inform the masses about your latest completed writing project, you need to sound endearing, not spammy. “But, I only get 140 characters?!” Hold that thought. The first step in understanding and mastering Twitter or any of the other social media mechanisms is to look the phenomenon of social media as a whole and in understand what it is, why it is so popular and why most writers describe their view of social media as a love hate relationship.
If you are a writer in this century, it is hard to ignore the internet and social media. At some point you will have to write something online, even if it’s just an email to an editor or agent. Recognizing that the internet represents a huge market place for selling your writing is a start but only a drop in the bucket when it comes to taking advantage of all the charms the electronic communication age has to offer you. An author, publishing written text on the web, more often than not, doesn’t get paid in cash, dollars and cents but with the opportunity for publicity. That may sound like a hoax but the idea is the publicity gained by the huge exposure one’s writing and one’s name will get, once published online, will actually be worth way more than any contrary monetary offers.
A good e-writer can self-publish all kinds of examples of his or her work using multi, online venues which are mostly free or very inexpensive and thus quickly build a reputation fast that will pay dividends for years to come. But a writer can be left with the feeling of being ripped off too, because, there is no immediate monetary gratification for one’s work effort. The publicity is never guaranteed for one’s writing, it is only implied that it is possible to get. The e-writers who have the most success with capitalizing on the astonishing marketing aspects of the internet, know that publishing their text is only the first step. After publication, the author has to take an active part in promoting his work to really reap the benefits.
Most writers, especially creative writers, usually hate the part of promoting their own work. Writers, like artists of all kinds, generally hate the commercial aspects of the art business. Promoting takes creative writers away from doing what they love, which is writing, plying their craft and creating their word art. But there are tons of great articles, essays, stories, poetry and every other type of text, published daily online that never get read by more than a handful of people unless someone gives things a push in the right direction by promoting them. Great successful writers, of this electronic age, realize their e-works are doomed, if they leave the promoting up to others who aren’t as invested in their success. The good news is the very nature of the internet makes promoting simple, especially promoting written text. Once the ball is rolling, the internet, marketing machine takes over, shouting about your newest work to every corner of the globe for free. This is the amazing aspect of the internet called Social Media.
Social Media is the term that represents people interacting online via virtual communities and networks. The virtual communities and networks are designed to make it a breeze for its members to create communications; share info, exchange ideas and comment on just about anything, among the members of their groups. Social media organizations allow their members to use convenient mobile devices such as cell phones and Droids among other web-based technologies to create share and discuss topics of mutual interest. The platforms are easy to use and quick and easy to learn. Done properly it is possible to send communications to millions of people in seconds. Since its earliest conception, social media has been recognized as being one of the most powerful sources for news updates. It is easy to realize the enormous effect a good social media program could have on the career of a writer. And, when it comes to promoting online text, nothing beats social media as far as price, since it is mostly free. But in order to take full advantage of huge amounts of free publicity from social media, an author must invest some time to master the techniques, at least of the most popular social media avenues.
The biggest types of social media include: Collaborative projects such as Wikipedia, an online encyclopedia where anyone can add info to the categories and posts of information. Blogs such as Blogger are a huge part of social media. Facebook represents the biggest social network online. YouTube is a platform for sharing and exchanging videos. Pinterest focuses on gathering photos from places all over the web and organizing them into searchable categories. Linkedin is an organization for professionals to network, Google+ focuses on local businesses, Tumbir and My Space are other top, very popular social media platforms. The promotional reach and marketing value of any of the above mentioned social media, icons are tremendous. Utilizing a few of the venues simultaneously can cause viral advertising that grows fast and furious. Most of the above social media venues target a certain niche so we would ideally have to dedicate a separate article at least to each of them to do them any justice. We choose Twitter and Tweeting, for our focus today because Twitter is universal, meaning everyone uses it, old, young, professionals, local people talking to friends as well as global communicators.
Twitter is one of the most effective avenues of social media promotion. Its popularity is enormous due to how easy a concept it is. Twitter is easy to learn and it is very interactive with other social media platforms as well as being extremely, mobile device friendly. Twitter reported having over 500 billion active users in 2012. Twitter is an online social networking service and that combines micro blogging technology to offer a unique service that enables its users to send and read text-based messages via cellphones. The messages are limited to 140 characters known as "tweets". Twitter has grown to become one of the ten most visited websites on the Internet. Twitter's character limit of only 140 letters, characters and spaces, is tight but with a little advice, practice and creativity, a creative writer can master the techniques of sending effective tweets fast and start tapping into this enormous free promotional value known as ‘tweeting’.
Twitter Tips for Writing Good Tweets
So, how do we convey a message using 140 characters or less? Creating a good 140 character tweet is truly a skill that has to be developed. Most people don’t talk in such short bursts. People are long winded by nature. We want to be the center of attention for as long as we can. Some say it was simply cruel for Twitter to give us such a small limit. But the 140 limit has been the biggest factor that has contributed to Twitter’s charm and success. Tweets are designed to be received and read at a glance on a cell phone screen while standing in line at the fast-food checkout counter.
“I was born by C-Section. This is the last time I had my mother’s complete attention.” – Richard Jeni
“I can’t cook. I use a smoke detector as a timer.” – Carol Siskind
“Golf is a good walk spoiled.” – Mark Twain
As you can see, plenty can be said without going over 140 characters, one just has to use one's imagination. Here’s some tips to make it easier.
Tip number one, is to ignore spell check. When you are counting letters, you need to shorten up the spelling of words and use the current youth abbreviation codes such as; MBFFL means my best friend for life. Love is shortened to Luv. Introduction becomes intro. ‘You’ can be expressed simply as ‘U’. Drop vowels out of long words as long as you can still understand the words meaning, example, plumber becomes plumbr. Obviously screen your statement for long words that can be expressed with less letter words, switch ‘terrible’ for ‘bad’. Keep your eye open and ear open for the usual do not, will not, then change them for don’t and won’t. Every letter counts. ‘And’ can be replaced by + or &.
Drop unnecessary words no matter how short. ‘I went to the movies’, can be shortened to ‘went to the movies’ it can be further shortened to ‘went to movies’. Be on the lookout for ways to drop words like; the, that, so, or an, usually they are unnecessary. Don’t write out numbers. Three = 3, you save four valuable letters to be used latter.
Think poetically rather than writing prose. In poetry, sentences frequently become conveying expressions of emotion. ‘I had a bad dream.’ Can be summed up by ‘nightmare’. The key is to be sure your, ‘Tweets” are readable and understandable, everything else can be ignored.
As for the subject of your messages, out right selling or solicitation with your Tweet is frowned upon and not very effective since no one wants to click on a commercial. It is best to give a sample of what you write on your web page and simply leave your link to be clicked. Think entice, rather than sell. No one is going to re-Tweet your sales copy add to their friends unless they want to lose them as friends.
Tweeting questions is a good way to get more people to tweet back to you then take the conversations to the next level. Humor tweets are good breaks from all the serious talk and people love to re-tweet a good joke. You can also tweet short famous sayings that apply to your subject. Tweeting a good line from a new song or poem will have people intrigued enough to want to find out more. Tweet new exciting sounding DVD and CD titles, movie titles, book titles or short (140 character) quotes from new books, movies or TV shows related to your subjects.
If you are adding a link to a website to the end of your tweet, it’s important to use a link shortener such as TinyURL inorder to save characters. Remember, the expert Tweeters allow room for your followers to re-Tweet and add their own comments. If your Tweets are interesting and designed to be re-Tweetable they will be sent all over the internet.
If you are a writer in this century, it is hard to ignore the internet and social media. At some point you will have to write something online, even if it’s just an email to an editor or agent. Recognizing that the internet represents a huge market place for selling your writing is a start but only a drop in the bucket when it comes to taking advantage of all the charms the electronic communication age has to offer you. An author, publishing written text on the web, more often than not, doesn’t get paid in cash, dollars and cents but with the opportunity for publicity. That may sound like a hoax but the idea is the publicity gained by the huge exposure one’s writing and one’s name will get, once published online, will actually be worth way more than any contrary monetary offers.
A good e-writer can self-publish all kinds of examples of his or her work using multi, online venues which are mostly free or very inexpensive and thus quickly build a reputation fast that will pay dividends for years to come. But a writer can be left with the feeling of being ripped off too, because, there is no immediate monetary gratification for one’s work effort. The publicity is never guaranteed for one’s writing, it is only implied that it is possible to get. The e-writers who have the most success with capitalizing on the astonishing marketing aspects of the internet, know that publishing their text is only the first step. After publication, the author has to take an active part in promoting his work to really reap the benefits.
Most writers, especially creative writers, usually hate the part of promoting their own work. Writers, like artists of all kinds, generally hate the commercial aspects of the art business. Promoting takes creative writers away from doing what they love, which is writing, plying their craft and creating their word art. But there are tons of great articles, essays, stories, poetry and every other type of text, published daily online that never get read by more than a handful of people unless someone gives things a push in the right direction by promoting them. Great successful writers, of this electronic age, realize their e-works are doomed, if they leave the promoting up to others who aren’t as invested in their success. The good news is the very nature of the internet makes promoting simple, especially promoting written text. Once the ball is rolling, the internet, marketing machine takes over, shouting about your newest work to every corner of the globe for free. This is the amazing aspect of the internet called Social Media.
Social Media is the term that represents people interacting online via virtual communities and networks. The virtual communities and networks are designed to make it a breeze for its members to create communications; share info, exchange ideas and comment on just about anything, among the members of their groups. Social media organizations allow their members to use convenient mobile devices such as cell phones and Droids among other web-based technologies to create share and discuss topics of mutual interest. The platforms are easy to use and quick and easy to learn. Done properly it is possible to send communications to millions of people in seconds. Since its earliest conception, social media has been recognized as being one of the most powerful sources for news updates. It is easy to realize the enormous effect a good social media program could have on the career of a writer. And, when it comes to promoting online text, nothing beats social media as far as price, since it is mostly free. But in order to take full advantage of huge amounts of free publicity from social media, an author must invest some time to master the techniques, at least of the most popular social media avenues.
The biggest types of social media include: Collaborative projects such as Wikipedia, an online encyclopedia where anyone can add info to the categories and posts of information. Blogs such as Blogger are a huge part of social media. Facebook represents the biggest social network online. YouTube is a platform for sharing and exchanging videos. Pinterest focuses on gathering photos from places all over the web and organizing them into searchable categories. Linkedin is an organization for professionals to network, Google+ focuses on local businesses, Tumbir and My Space are other top, very popular social media platforms. The promotional reach and marketing value of any of the above mentioned social media, icons are tremendous. Utilizing a few of the venues simultaneously can cause viral advertising that grows fast and furious. Most of the above social media venues target a certain niche so we would ideally have to dedicate a separate article at least to each of them to do them any justice. We choose Twitter and Tweeting, for our focus today because Twitter is universal, meaning everyone uses it, old, young, professionals, local people talking to friends as well as global communicators.
Twitter is one of the most effective avenues of social media promotion. Its popularity is enormous due to how easy a concept it is. Twitter is easy to learn and it is very interactive with other social media platforms as well as being extremely, mobile device friendly. Twitter reported having over 500 billion active users in 2012. Twitter is an online social networking service and that combines micro blogging technology to offer a unique service that enables its users to send and read text-based messages via cellphones. The messages are limited to 140 characters known as "tweets". Twitter has grown to become one of the ten most visited websites on the Internet. Twitter's character limit of only 140 letters, characters and spaces, is tight but with a little advice, practice and creativity, a creative writer can master the techniques of sending effective tweets fast and start tapping into this enormous free promotional value known as ‘tweeting’.
Twitter Tips for Writing Good Tweets
So, how do we convey a message using 140 characters or less? Creating a good 140 character tweet is truly a skill that has to be developed. Most people don’t talk in such short bursts. People are long winded by nature. We want to be the center of attention for as long as we can. Some say it was simply cruel for Twitter to give us such a small limit. But the 140 limit has been the biggest factor that has contributed to Twitter’s charm and success. Tweets are designed to be received and read at a glance on a cell phone screen while standing in line at the fast-food checkout counter.
“I was born by C-Section. This is the last time I had my mother’s complete attention.” – Richard Jeni
“I can’t cook. I use a smoke detector as a timer.” – Carol Siskind
“Golf is a good walk spoiled.” – Mark Twain
As you can see, plenty can be said without going over 140 characters, one just has to use one's imagination. Here’s some tips to make it easier.
Tip number one, is to ignore spell check. When you are counting letters, you need to shorten up the spelling of words and use the current youth abbreviation codes such as; MBFFL means my best friend for life. Love is shortened to Luv. Introduction becomes intro. ‘You’ can be expressed simply as ‘U’. Drop vowels out of long words as long as you can still understand the words meaning, example, plumber becomes plumbr. Obviously screen your statement for long words that can be expressed with less letter words, switch ‘terrible’ for ‘bad’. Keep your eye open and ear open for the usual do not, will not, then change them for don’t and won’t. Every letter counts. ‘And’ can be replaced by + or &.
Drop unnecessary words no matter how short. ‘I went to the movies’, can be shortened to ‘went to the movies’ it can be further shortened to ‘went to movies’. Be on the lookout for ways to drop words like; the, that, so, or an, usually they are unnecessary. Don’t write out numbers. Three = 3, you save four valuable letters to be used latter.
Think poetically rather than writing prose. In poetry, sentences frequently become conveying expressions of emotion. ‘I had a bad dream.’ Can be summed up by ‘nightmare’. The key is to be sure your, ‘Tweets” are readable and understandable, everything else can be ignored.
As for the subject of your messages, out right selling or solicitation with your Tweet is frowned upon and not very effective since no one wants to click on a commercial. It is best to give a sample of what you write on your web page and simply leave your link to be clicked. Think entice, rather than sell. No one is going to re-Tweet your sales copy add to their friends unless they want to lose them as friends.
Tweeting questions is a good way to get more people to tweet back to you then take the conversations to the next level. Humor tweets are good breaks from all the serious talk and people love to re-tweet a good joke. You can also tweet short famous sayings that apply to your subject. Tweeting a good line from a new song or poem will have people intrigued enough to want to find out more. Tweet new exciting sounding DVD and CD titles, movie titles, book titles or short (140 character) quotes from new books, movies or TV shows related to your subjects.
If you are adding a link to a website to the end of your tweet, it’s important to use a link shortener such as TinyURL inorder to save characters. Remember, the expert Tweeters allow room for your followers to re-Tweet and add their own comments. If your Tweets are interesting and designed to be re-Tweetable they will be sent all over the internet.
Twitter is considered as one of the top used social networking sites around, even though it has very limited features (and a 140 letter/symbol/character maximum per post). Updates/posts are called Tweets and it takes a very creative writer to engage an audience using only 140 letters or characters. Tweets can be connected to popular social apps and sites like Facebook and Instagram. Tweets should be creatively written and designed to be re-tweeted by fans of the tweeter or anyone who likes the tweeted message and wishes to share with their own followers. Thus info can get publicity quick, even if it is just a quick blurb.
Twitter is good for viral marketing because it’s quick, fast and hassle-free. A great feature of Twitter is the Trending list, which you can piggyback on with your tweets using the hash tag. The hash tag can be a powerful weapon as it reaches everyone that uses the same hash tag on Twitter. It is Twitter’s equivalent of a meme – grants instant popularity within minutes.
What really is viral marketing?
Viral marketing, however strange and literal the term may seem, is a phenomenal marketing strategy used to spread information through individuals who share and pass it along the World Wide Web at a rapid pace. Notice the term used: phenomenal. That’s because a viral video is not considered viral if it didn’t boom overnight. Viral creative writing marketing reaches an unbelievable amount of people in an unbelievably short amount of time. This is the main thought behind it: you create a buzz on the Internet, a buzz that will spread like wildfire, then watch and wait as people share it and infect others. What works best is usually creative humorous tweets or shocking the human emotions into action.
What makes Tweeting with intent to go viral such a great business marketing strategy is that the publicity frenzy feeds on itself while you stand and watch in the background. Once you’ve tapped the surface with a creatively written tweet, you will cause a ripple in the network of the world wide web. That humorous or emotion shocking ripple will grow bigger and bigger, reaching more and more people. The best part? You don’t have to spend millions of dollars to reach those millions of people. All you have to do is know which buttons to click, and how to make other people motivated enough to do all work for you.
Viral Twittering – Never underestimate the power of 140 characters. The Twitter verse is widely known as the fastest information-spreader in the world. In fact, President Obama thanked his followers through Twitter. It’s easy to manipulate and use. Recently, it has been a venue for answering consumer questions, sharing sports news, quoting celebrities and reviewing everything from new music, movies, cologne…the weather! You name it and I bet it’s been tweeted about. The only problem with Twitter, aside from the limited character number, is you really have to update your account as often as possible, or the Twitter verse will swallow you up without mercy. Twitter accounts are free. So, read a few then start creating your own. The more you tweet the better you’ll become. Tweeting is a great way for creative writers to tell the world about their newest writing projects.
Twitter is good for viral marketing because it’s quick, fast and hassle-free. A great feature of Twitter is the Trending list, which you can piggyback on with your tweets using the hash tag. The hash tag can be a powerful weapon as it reaches everyone that uses the same hash tag on Twitter. It is Twitter’s equivalent of a meme – grants instant popularity within minutes.
What really is viral marketing?
Viral marketing, however strange and literal the term may seem, is a phenomenal marketing strategy used to spread information through individuals who share and pass it along the World Wide Web at a rapid pace. Notice the term used: phenomenal. That’s because a viral video is not considered viral if it didn’t boom overnight. Viral creative writing marketing reaches an unbelievable amount of people in an unbelievably short amount of time. This is the main thought behind it: you create a buzz on the Internet, a buzz that will spread like wildfire, then watch and wait as people share it and infect others. What works best is usually creative humorous tweets or shocking the human emotions into action.
What makes Tweeting with intent to go viral such a great business marketing strategy is that the publicity frenzy feeds on itself while you stand and watch in the background. Once you’ve tapped the surface with a creatively written tweet, you will cause a ripple in the network of the world wide web. That humorous or emotion shocking ripple will grow bigger and bigger, reaching more and more people. The best part? You don’t have to spend millions of dollars to reach those millions of people. All you have to do is know which buttons to click, and how to make other people motivated enough to do all work for you.
Viral Twittering – Never underestimate the power of 140 characters. The Twitter verse is widely known as the fastest information-spreader in the world. In fact, President Obama thanked his followers through Twitter. It’s easy to manipulate and use. Recently, it has been a venue for answering consumer questions, sharing sports news, quoting celebrities and reviewing everything from new music, movies, cologne…the weather! You name it and I bet it’s been tweeted about. The only problem with Twitter, aside from the limited character number, is you really have to update your account as often as possible, or the Twitter verse will swallow you up without mercy. Twitter accounts are free. So, read a few then start creating your own. The more you tweet the better you’ll become. Tweeting is a great way for creative writers to tell the world about their newest writing projects.
Twitter Marketing Tactic Mistakes
by Stu Leventhal
1. The most common strategy for new Twitter members who joined to promote or Market something, planning to utilize Twitter to gain exposure for their customers, products and services is to simply open an account and start following everyone they come across. Don’t bother reading their tweets or even checking what they are all about. You want followers! You need followers! So, if you follower tons of people, plenty will follow you back. Right? Maybe! But the thing is you won’t have any specific type of follower so it will be hard to capitalize and convert those followers into profits. It will also be tough to keep those followers interested in what you have to Tweet about so they will eventually stop following you.
*Don’t waste your time spamming everyone when you approach social media. You can get some results but you can get a much better return on your invested time and efforts if you target a specific type of person, who is interested in one specific subject. Build a list of followers who are all fanatics about one thing and you have a powerful list! That list can make you money! You can now find products to sell them that they want. Take Photography for instance, people will pay you to Tweet to your followers because you have a quality list of followers all interested in one subject, photography. Your list is very valuable to anyone who sells or markets, services or products to photographers.
2. Following, following, following then forgetting! When you follow tons of people you can’t really engage in conversations that have any real meaning with all of them. You need to cultivate a group of likeminded individuals. When you stop engaging with a Tweeter who you started following months ago you really aren’t getting any value from being their follower. You are trying to gain followers from their list of followers. To do this you have to tweet something great to entice people to follow you! If you read their Tweets then you know what their followers like. Now all you have to do is give them more of what they like and they’ll come aboard!
*Remember that when you start following someone you are on the top of their list where everyone sees you. That is the exposure you want. If you don’t contribute anything you drop down where no one sees you because new followers are always joining the list, pushing old followers to the bottom. Where you are positioned on the list is so important that there are actually Pro Tweeters who make a habit out of un-following their best, most popular Tweeters on their list then quickly re-start following them again so they can reposition themselves once again at the top, where everyone sees them.
3. Making the mistake of thinking extra Twitter accounts will somehow help you build your quality targeted list of interested followers when you are not giving the necessary attention to the one Twitter account you already have! Many Internet Marketers approach internet marketing and especially social media from the idea that the more you throw against the wall the more stuff that will stick. Therefore if your competitors open just one Twitter account and they are making some money then you can crush your competitors by opening a whole slew of twitter accounts! The advantage to this tactic is that you can follow yourself and others see you have a lot of followers and may get tricked for a spell, into following you too. You can also re-Tweet your important tweets from all your accounts making things appear as if you are a big deal! You can find many apps developed by marketers for marketers to help you achieve this goal on auto pilot. But, the truth still lies in the pudding (whatever that means) in our case , it means if you take just a little more time to utilize those apps to really contribute something useful to the conversations online you will get rewarded many times more than when you use the apps to basically spam or manipulate the system.
*The real trick to making social media work is to Tweet or share something of value that everyone who reads it will like and thus want to pass it on to their followers and share on other social media platforms like Facebook and Pintrest. If you stick to one subject you can become quite good at figuring out what your niche wants to be Tweeted about! Read the other popular Tweets and add something new. People constantly Tweet questions, do some research and get them the answers! When you put the time in to be active with communicating with one particular group all interested in one particular thing, you will quickly understand what makes your group tick. Now start giving it to them! Work at becoming their go to guy or girl. Become known as the expert in your field and start creating Tweets that people will be proud to re-Tweet! Welcome Social Marketer to the world of Viral Tweeting!
*Don’t waste your time spamming everyone when you approach social media. You can get some results but you can get a much better return on your invested time and efforts if you target a specific type of person, who is interested in one specific subject. Build a list of followers who are all fanatics about one thing and you have a powerful list! That list can make you money! You can now find products to sell them that they want. Take Photography for instance, people will pay you to Tweet to your followers because you have a quality list of followers all interested in one subject, photography. Your list is very valuable to anyone who sells or markets, services or products to photographers.
2. Following, following, following then forgetting! When you follow tons of people you can’t really engage in conversations that have any real meaning with all of them. You need to cultivate a group of likeminded individuals. When you stop engaging with a Tweeter who you started following months ago you really aren’t getting any value from being their follower. You are trying to gain followers from their list of followers. To do this you have to tweet something great to entice people to follow you! If you read their Tweets then you know what their followers like. Now all you have to do is give them more of what they like and they’ll come aboard!
*Remember that when you start following someone you are on the top of their list where everyone sees you. That is the exposure you want. If you don’t contribute anything you drop down where no one sees you because new followers are always joining the list, pushing old followers to the bottom. Where you are positioned on the list is so important that there are actually Pro Tweeters who make a habit out of un-following their best, most popular Tweeters on their list then quickly re-start following them again so they can reposition themselves once again at the top, where everyone sees them.
3. Making the mistake of thinking extra Twitter accounts will somehow help you build your quality targeted list of interested followers when you are not giving the necessary attention to the one Twitter account you already have! Many Internet Marketers approach internet marketing and especially social media from the idea that the more you throw against the wall the more stuff that will stick. Therefore if your competitors open just one Twitter account and they are making some money then you can crush your competitors by opening a whole slew of twitter accounts! The advantage to this tactic is that you can follow yourself and others see you have a lot of followers and may get tricked for a spell, into following you too. You can also re-Tweet your important tweets from all your accounts making things appear as if you are a big deal! You can find many apps developed by marketers for marketers to help you achieve this goal on auto pilot. But, the truth still lies in the pudding (whatever that means) in our case , it means if you take just a little more time to utilize those apps to really contribute something useful to the conversations online you will get rewarded many times more than when you use the apps to basically spam or manipulate the system.
*The real trick to making social media work is to Tweet or share something of value that everyone who reads it will like and thus want to pass it on to their followers and share on other social media platforms like Facebook and Pintrest. If you stick to one subject you can become quite good at figuring out what your niche wants to be Tweeted about! Read the other popular Tweets and add something new. People constantly Tweet questions, do some research and get them the answers! When you put the time in to be active with communicating with one particular group all interested in one particular thing, you will quickly understand what makes your group tick. Now start giving it to them! Work at becoming their go to guy or girl. Become known as the expert in your field and start creating Tweets that people will be proud to re-Tweet! Welcome Social Marketer to the world of Viral Tweeting!