Teaching the Creative Arts Globally
Schools Teaching & Learning the Arts
By Stu Leventhal - A NEW TALE!
I’ve never been a fan of our local and national educational communities, great, renowned or small town. There is far too much politics involved in schooling and not enough focus on the individual student’s needs and the molding of fine ‘think for yourself’ minds.
Schools should not be businesses! Schools should not be babysitting services! Teachers need to be unshackled, given more control over their curriculums, teaching methods and styles!
Most importantly, our renowned schools and best teachers should not be more available to the wealthy than the poor!
The internet makes info and instruction available to all but the students need to take advantage of this. If we all do not support the free resources online, they will dry up leaving only the learning institutions that are run and funded by big business and industry.
Certainly it is easy to recognize that the poor probably need more schooling than the affluent. If the goal of schools is to prepare us for the future; who needs more prep the kids with all the advantages or the money challenged?
It is easily plain to see that by giving the poorer sectors of our society as much instruction, help and aid as possible for bettering themselves and raising themselves up and out of their predicaments we all also benefit by bettering society as a whole including our wealthy sectors.
It is in the best interest of the rich and well educated to help educate the masses!
By limiting enrollment into our best schools to only people who can afford to pay their way and just allowing a few exceptionally bright scholarship winning applicants to enter the palaces, we are hindering our entire society and creating class friction that is insurmountable to overcome.
Every year we graduate more wealthy folks and give them a head start on the rest of the populace then we wonder why there is so much crime and discontent!
How can anyone expect the poor and disadvantaged to compete with college educated people who were mentored by our supposed best?
From an artistic stand point this is contrary to everything art stands for which is the expression of human emotion and showcasing of the human conditions for the purpose of seeking truth. From any educational doctrine this is also hypocritical! Education’s duty is to further mankind not further the divide between the rich and the poor.
Art, culture and schools are all supposed to prepare us for life, so we can go leave our birth homes and go forth into our communities and be productive neighbors and civic-minded community participants. We are all entitled to the very best educations so we can support and protect our families and make dynamic, bonding, meaningful friendships and start new worthwhile relationships at work, abroad and on the home front.
We preach and teach Brotherly Love and compassion for each other; we cannot hoard education!
Our best culture must be available to all. Seeing, experiencing and just being exposed to our very best art, knowledge and wisdom is what inspires us each to reach for the stars ourselves; in everything we do.
Aspiring to greatness elevates mundane living to magical living!
My advice to students, both young and innocent kids and mature and worldly adults, is to go in knowing that schools are far from perfect. Keep your eyes and ears wide open there is advice all around you!
Want to know more about business be more observant when you are around businesses. Study deeply what your favorite companies do and how they act. Really think hard about what the failing companies around your neighborhood are doing wrong? How would you fix those companies?
Your education is mostly up to you. Lessons are what you make of them. How we each receive and absorb instruction is very personal.
Know that you have to put your lessons to use to really benefit from wisdom you are exposed to. If you wish to learn stand up comedy or even just to write funny, you can watch tapes of other great comics performing for tips but at some point you will have to get up on stage yourself and put your conclusions to the test.
It is our students' right to utilize all that mankind has established so far, throughout the ages, for their own benefit and the benefit for their generation and man's future.
Take control of your education! Seek knowledge and truth in many places not just from text books and in classrooms. Learn from everyone whether good or bad natured; professors, teachers, scholars, journalists, fiction writers, nonfiction authors, law enforcement officials, criminals, the famous, the infamous and the obscure.
Get greedy when it comes to your education!
Do not be skimpy on the teaching side either; give as much as you get. It is up to all of us to teach what we can, when we can, to whomever we can! Ask any teacher and they will tell you they do their most learning while teaching!
*There is no better time than the present to brush up on your creative writing skills, methods and techniques.
Read A NEW TALE by Stu Leventhal Philadelphia's Creative Writing Mentor.
"Whatever your life's goals are you have a much better chance of achieving them by becoming a better writer and communicator. Writing is man's best asset!" - Stu Leventhal
By Stu Leventhal - A NEW TALE!
I’ve never been a fan of our local and national educational communities, great, renowned or small town. There is far too much politics involved in schooling and not enough focus on the individual student’s needs and the molding of fine ‘think for yourself’ minds.
Schools should not be businesses! Schools should not be babysitting services! Teachers need to be unshackled, given more control over their curriculums, teaching methods and styles!
Most importantly, our renowned schools and best teachers should not be more available to the wealthy than the poor!
The internet makes info and instruction available to all but the students need to take advantage of this. If we all do not support the free resources online, they will dry up leaving only the learning institutions that are run and funded by big business and industry.
Certainly it is easy to recognize that the poor probably need more schooling than the affluent. If the goal of schools is to prepare us for the future; who needs more prep the kids with all the advantages or the money challenged?
It is easily plain to see that by giving the poorer sectors of our society as much instruction, help and aid as possible for bettering themselves and raising themselves up and out of their predicaments we all also benefit by bettering society as a whole including our wealthy sectors.
It is in the best interest of the rich and well educated to help educate the masses!
By limiting enrollment into our best schools to only people who can afford to pay their way and just allowing a few exceptionally bright scholarship winning applicants to enter the palaces, we are hindering our entire society and creating class friction that is insurmountable to overcome.
Every year we graduate more wealthy folks and give them a head start on the rest of the populace then we wonder why there is so much crime and discontent!
How can anyone expect the poor and disadvantaged to compete with college educated people who were mentored by our supposed best?
From an artistic stand point this is contrary to everything art stands for which is the expression of human emotion and showcasing of the human conditions for the purpose of seeking truth. From any educational doctrine this is also hypocritical! Education’s duty is to further mankind not further the divide between the rich and the poor.
Art, culture and schools are all supposed to prepare us for life, so we can go leave our birth homes and go forth into our communities and be productive neighbors and civic-minded community participants. We are all entitled to the very best educations so we can support and protect our families and make dynamic, bonding, meaningful friendships and start new worthwhile relationships at work, abroad and on the home front.
We preach and teach Brotherly Love and compassion for each other; we cannot hoard education!
Our best culture must be available to all. Seeing, experiencing and just being exposed to our very best art, knowledge and wisdom is what inspires us each to reach for the stars ourselves; in everything we do.
Aspiring to greatness elevates mundane living to magical living!
My advice to students, both young and innocent kids and mature and worldly adults, is to go in knowing that schools are far from perfect. Keep your eyes and ears wide open there is advice all around you!
Want to know more about business be more observant when you are around businesses. Study deeply what your favorite companies do and how they act. Really think hard about what the failing companies around your neighborhood are doing wrong? How would you fix those companies?
Your education is mostly up to you. Lessons are what you make of them. How we each receive and absorb instruction is very personal.
Know that you have to put your lessons to use to really benefit from wisdom you are exposed to. If you wish to learn stand up comedy or even just to write funny, you can watch tapes of other great comics performing for tips but at some point you will have to get up on stage yourself and put your conclusions to the test.
It is our students' right to utilize all that mankind has established so far, throughout the ages, for their own benefit and the benefit for their generation and man's future.
Take control of your education! Seek knowledge and truth in many places not just from text books and in classrooms. Learn from everyone whether good or bad natured; professors, teachers, scholars, journalists, fiction writers, nonfiction authors, law enforcement officials, criminals, the famous, the infamous and the obscure.
Get greedy when it comes to your education!
Do not be skimpy on the teaching side either; give as much as you get. It is up to all of us to teach what we can, when we can, to whomever we can! Ask any teacher and they will tell you they do their most learning while teaching!
*There is no better time than the present to brush up on your creative writing skills, methods and techniques.
Read A NEW TALE by Stu Leventhal Philadelphia's Creative Writing Mentor.
"Whatever your life's goals are you have a much better chance of achieving them by becoming a better writer and communicator. Writing is man's best asset!" - Stu Leventhal