"Crafting Words That Sell! Sell!...Sell!"
Steps to Effective Copywriting
By Stu Leventhal
Writing advertisements that perform by getting people motivated and chopping at the bit to buy or take action requires innovation, creativity and risk taking. The key to creating creative copywriting that puts a fire under people’s butts to spur them to buy or act right now is research! You obviously have to figure out the right psychological buttons to push to convince a person they must have something or do something right away, this instant. The only way to gain that much power over someone is to study them!
Besides knowing as much as possible about the person you wish to pitch your proposition to, you also have to everything there is to know about the thing you are pitching! It is the tiny things, the minute details that elevate your copy above and beyond the copy of all the other advertisers out there trying to sell similar products and services to yours. You will figure out the emotional trigger that spurs your target to action when you actually take the time to walk in his or her shoes!
Your copy will only be better than your competitors’ copywriting and bring your client more sales when you evaluate all the copy on your subject and in your client’s industry that your client’s competitors are already using effectively to bring in sales and then you craft a pitch that is more powerful or compelling! Yes, copywriting is war! Our words, statements, claims and phrases must marketing, promote and position your client and what he is paying you to help sell as being the best and first choice!
People choose to buy one item over a similar item because they feel it will perform better, is more reliable and dependable or it is cheaper or it is more prestigious to own! That means the copywriter’s job is to convince buyers that their product or services are the best most qualified on the market! You cannot attempt to do that without differentiating yourself from the herd. Something has to be perceived as different, in a good way, from what everyone else is offering.
Good copywriting gets inside your readers head, taps into their emotions and spurs them to action! The purpose of ad copy is not to inform the reader how wonderful your client is or even to shout how great the product or service is that you were hired to promote. The goal of your copywriting is more about explaining how; your client’s company, product or service will improve the reader’s own situation, make his or her life easier, make them wealthier, raise their prestige among their peers, co-workers, family or circle of friends.
The first priority of good copywriting is to clearly make your target buyer or reader aware that this copy was written with them specifically in mind. You do this by stating something, usually straight away, in the title that your target can relate to and identify as special and particular to them and their situation. The more particular the copy pertains to just your target, the more attention your target will give it. Using your targets popular slang language, addressing a common problem all of your targets share with one another, saying something controversial, funny or witty about your targets interests are all good ways of labeling that your text was specially written for your target. Your copy must next alert the reader that they need to perk up and pay attention something important is coming and they are not going to want to miss it!
Copywriting for the purpose of advertising or marketing is valued by how persuasive it is. The goal of the copy is to get someone to buy a product, act or influence their beliefs. Crafting compelling copy involves strategy!
You must tap into your competitive spirit and write with the sole intent of winning over skeptics and doubters. Can you lure readers away from their current supplier? Can you coax people to try something new, take a risk, live dangerously when most of them are quite happy with their present brand?
Truly killer copywriting is very individualistic having been written specifically for the item or situation being promoted. This means that good copywriting is not interchangeable and would not work just as great if it was applied to a similar product but for a different brand. Copy written to sell one brand and type of vehicle is not the perfect copy for selling all brands and styles of cars! Your copywriting must establish an identity for what you are promoting. That identity is like a personality for the item brand or idea you are pushing and that personality reflects on the people who purchase the item or buy in to the idea.
People are known by the clothes they wear, cars they drive, restaurants they eat at, hobbies they pursue, sports teams they cheer for, the types of entertainment they enjoy, the charities they contribute to, the political agendas they support and the people they associate with. To truly lure and win a loyal customer away from a competitor for life, your copywriting has to appeal to the buyer’s self-image, complement their personality and stand for what they stand for! Make that connection with the customer for your client and they will never again have to worry about being undercut in a pricing war!
Can you see how price no longer is a factor when a customer is proud to be using a specific brand or product? When a customer can relish being seen with a particular product and actually enjoys others knowing he is associated with something; a brand, a cause or idea that you are pushing, then you as copy writer have won the battle. Not only has your copywriting convinced new targets to give your cause a try but those new targets are so convinced that they look forward to sharing the news with everyone they meet!
To learn more about Writing Marketing Copy that not only increases sales and brand awareness but also spurs positive word of mouth promotion for your clients, contact: [email protected] and put copywriting in the subject line. We will get you out your FREE report!
If you have a copywriting project you need immediate help with or a price quote for a creative copywriting project send your details in an e-mail to:
[email protected]
Steps to Effective Copywriting
By Stu Leventhal
Writing advertisements that perform by getting people motivated and chopping at the bit to buy or take action requires innovation, creativity and risk taking. The key to creating creative copywriting that puts a fire under people’s butts to spur them to buy or act right now is research! You obviously have to figure out the right psychological buttons to push to convince a person they must have something or do something right away, this instant. The only way to gain that much power over someone is to study them!
Besides knowing as much as possible about the person you wish to pitch your proposition to, you also have to everything there is to know about the thing you are pitching! It is the tiny things, the minute details that elevate your copy above and beyond the copy of all the other advertisers out there trying to sell similar products and services to yours. You will figure out the emotional trigger that spurs your target to action when you actually take the time to walk in his or her shoes!
Your copy will only be better than your competitors’ copywriting and bring your client more sales when you evaluate all the copy on your subject and in your client’s industry that your client’s competitors are already using effectively to bring in sales and then you craft a pitch that is more powerful or compelling! Yes, copywriting is war! Our words, statements, claims and phrases must marketing, promote and position your client and what he is paying you to help sell as being the best and first choice!
People choose to buy one item over a similar item because they feel it will perform better, is more reliable and dependable or it is cheaper or it is more prestigious to own! That means the copywriter’s job is to convince buyers that their product or services are the best most qualified on the market! You cannot attempt to do that without differentiating yourself from the herd. Something has to be perceived as different, in a good way, from what everyone else is offering.
Good copywriting gets inside your readers head, taps into their emotions and spurs them to action! The purpose of ad copy is not to inform the reader how wonderful your client is or even to shout how great the product or service is that you were hired to promote. The goal of your copywriting is more about explaining how; your client’s company, product or service will improve the reader’s own situation, make his or her life easier, make them wealthier, raise their prestige among their peers, co-workers, family or circle of friends.
The first priority of good copywriting is to clearly make your target buyer or reader aware that this copy was written with them specifically in mind. You do this by stating something, usually straight away, in the title that your target can relate to and identify as special and particular to them and their situation. The more particular the copy pertains to just your target, the more attention your target will give it. Using your targets popular slang language, addressing a common problem all of your targets share with one another, saying something controversial, funny or witty about your targets interests are all good ways of labeling that your text was specially written for your target. Your copy must next alert the reader that they need to perk up and pay attention something important is coming and they are not going to want to miss it!
Copywriting for the purpose of advertising or marketing is valued by how persuasive it is. The goal of the copy is to get someone to buy a product, act or influence their beliefs. Crafting compelling copy involves strategy!
You must tap into your competitive spirit and write with the sole intent of winning over skeptics and doubters. Can you lure readers away from their current supplier? Can you coax people to try something new, take a risk, live dangerously when most of them are quite happy with their present brand?
Truly killer copywriting is very individualistic having been written specifically for the item or situation being promoted. This means that good copywriting is not interchangeable and would not work just as great if it was applied to a similar product but for a different brand. Copy written to sell one brand and type of vehicle is not the perfect copy for selling all brands and styles of cars! Your copywriting must establish an identity for what you are promoting. That identity is like a personality for the item brand or idea you are pushing and that personality reflects on the people who purchase the item or buy in to the idea.
People are known by the clothes they wear, cars they drive, restaurants they eat at, hobbies they pursue, sports teams they cheer for, the types of entertainment they enjoy, the charities they contribute to, the political agendas they support and the people they associate with. To truly lure and win a loyal customer away from a competitor for life, your copywriting has to appeal to the buyer’s self-image, complement their personality and stand for what they stand for! Make that connection with the customer for your client and they will never again have to worry about being undercut in a pricing war!
Can you see how price no longer is a factor when a customer is proud to be using a specific brand or product? When a customer can relish being seen with a particular product and actually enjoys others knowing he is associated with something; a brand, a cause or idea that you are pushing, then you as copy writer have won the battle. Not only has your copywriting convinced new targets to give your cause a try but those new targets are so convinced that they look forward to sharing the news with everyone they meet!
To learn more about Writing Marketing Copy that not only increases sales and brand awareness but also spurs positive word of mouth promotion for your clients, contact: [email protected] and put copywriting in the subject line. We will get you out your FREE report!
If you have a copywriting project you need immediate help with or a price quote for a creative copywriting project send your details in an e-mail to:
[email protected]