Now a days, Creative Writers and authors of all kinds are almost expected to have at least one personal blog. Many writers maintain a couple of blogs, at least one or more pertaining to each niche that they write for. When you become an authority on a specific subject you can demand a higher price for your work. A writer whose blog is on the first page of Google commands attention. Also impressive to show one’s potential clients are your past articles, essays and stories that have accumulated a few thousand likes. Having a large amount of Facebook followers is noteworthy too.
The fact that not every writer enjoys writing on a blog like platform or that many writers and authors view blogging as well as social media posting a amateurish writing, is of no concern to clients. Many of the people who do the hiring of freelance writers need to be able to justify their decisions to people hire up the ladder. Showing that the creative writer they hired has a large internet following is all the proof they need.
Whether us fellow scribes respect bloggers and blogging as a legitimate literary art form or not doesn’t seem to matter very much to the masses. Blogging is here to stay! Not only has blogging become a large part of social interaction, it has also become a big deal for businesses of all types to have and maintain a blog. Even government agencies, schools and institutions are getting in on the act. For this reason it has become very necessary for writers of all kinds, types and styles to learn SEO search engine optimization and SEM search engine marketing. Yes, even if your, creative writing specialty is as far removed from big business as one can get, for example, a children’s fairy tale author. Book publishers want new authors to prove themselves before they’ll even glance your way.
The best way to gain an offline book publisher’s attention is to build a large online fan base. This means playing the internet game; social media, blogging and even possibly creating your own website. If you can’t beat them join them. Whether you like surfing the web or not it is a good idea for any writer, new or established to invest time and maybe even some money in building an online presence. In the long run, when your offline books hit the book stores, you’ll already have a large amount of them sold via the internet.
If you already sell a lot of your writing to be published on the internet then you probably know that you can command a lot more for your work if it is written in a way that the search engines like it to be written. Good, SEO, search engine optimized writing is in high demand. This is because it is more difficult to write in a way to please both robots and people. People pleasing text may flow from your fingertips on to the computer screen but search engines scan your writing for repeating words in order to determine what your piece is about. It takes skill and art to repeat the same words and phrases over and over for the search engines to grasp and not end up with writing that sounds silly, incompetent and/or is annoying to people.
Until the search engines acquire the technology to interpret text in a similar way that humans interpret text it will be advantageous for any writer to take at least a basic course or two in SEO and SEM. It will help you advance your career as well as assist you in building up your online reputation. And, your writing will be more marketable!
If you need a strong inexpensive course on how to get traffic and visitors to your author website or writing blog, you will learn all you need here: and its only $5 dollars!
Another $5 dollar course on building an email list fast can be found here:
Read these courses and you will not only advance your own career by knowing how to gain exposure for yourself and your work but you will become more valuable to the clients you write for because you can advise them on how they too can leverage your quality writing best to get the most out of it. This will all lead to your being able to charge more for your writing!
Another great five dollar course, ‘How to Start a Newsletter’ can be had at:
Stay tune for more authors and writer advice on how to build your online presence, self-promote and gain tons of creative writing readers and loyal fans!