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Romance Writing takes skill! You need to write clearly and expressively but also with passion about passion! Yes, they say there are formulas to follow but new romance writers need to stand out, make a name for themselves, create their own signature romantic style! Fiction or Nonfiction; you need to know how to merge drama with setting, characterization with plot, theme with point of view... A NEW TALE by author, reporter, poet, song lyricist... Stu Leventhal teaches unique literary thought and writing personality. Romantic Poets, Song Writers, Bloggers, Social Media Stars, News Reporters can all benefit! For a limited time you can read and profit from the first 15% FREE! Learn to Write Great!
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Yes, you can be a great author, blogger, writer... Literature is changing fast. The publishing industry is morphing too. Mankind needs great debaters, discussion starters, cyber conversationalists. It is the best of times for writers, creatives, authors! #Learning how to write well, will give you the biggest return on your investment compared to any other invest you have ever made! Great Writing opens doors of opportunity for anyone who is a good at it. Every industry needs better writers. Fiction Writers, Nonfiction Writers, News Reporters, Humorists, Poets, Lyrisists... Every field of endeavor needs great writers. #GreatWriters excel in any occupation and at any interest they put their minds to achieving. You owe it to yourself, your family, your co-workers to read the best writing tutorial book ever scribbled...A NEW TALE by Stu Leventhal the master of many literary genres! *Let me know what you need help writing with? Just leave a comment! It is my pleasure to assist new writers...OUR WORLD NEEDS THE BEST WRITERS POSSIBLE! http://www.anewtale.com There comes a time when every student writer just has to trust his or her own instincts and write! Sure, read about how to write and study other famous writers works but start creating stuff too! Practice is the only way to find out what you are made of. Just like shooting pool, playing basketball or dancing, the more you write the better you will get. Listen to what two fabulous Authors Have to Say about their beloved craft… “Writing is an exploration. You start from nothing and learn as you go.” - E. L. Doctorow “Writing, to me, is simply thinking through my fingers.” - Isaac Asimov No one is a born writer. It takes hard work, sacrifice and dedication to become a great scribe! Welcome students to the best most worthwhile Industry I know; CREATIVE WRITING! If you want some encouragement or need some writing help why not turn to the best Creative Writing Guide Book Published in a long time... A NEW TALE ~ A Creative Writing Tutorial by Stu Leventhal is more than just a writing guide...it is a living guide! Writing gets easier and easier! You will soon be challenging yourself to higher and higher level projects! PUT YOUR WRITING TO THE TEST By Stu Leventhal Readers do not like to struggle! Readers do not have much patience! Your writing has to read smooth and effortlessly like cutting into soft butter… If your readers have to work hard to understand what you are trying to say, they will bail out on you! Now-a-days we all have so much to read? Text massages, memos, tweets, letters, e-mails, catalogs newspapers, magazines… With so much junk to plough through, is it any wonder we wish to delete and discard as much as possible as quickly as possible? We all have to scan, browse and weed out the dull! Prioritize! There simply is not enough time! Poorly written stuff on our hand-helds gets deleted fast and without even a sign of relief! Long winded writing, when lucky, gets our attention for the first few passages at most, if we even bother at all; soon it is in the trash! So how does one create great reads that will make it past the spam filters, not get deleted immediately or sorted into the trash pile? How do we assure our writing and all our hard work will be given a chance to be appreciated for all its wily wit? Think EASY READING! Today, Bad Writing is an obvious Epidemic! Big words and scholarly phrases do not make better reads! Long sentences annoy readers! EASY READING is simple reading. Simple reading is short and to the point, instantly digestible and easily comprehended and that is an enjoyable pleasure! Here Are Some Basic Writing Tips… Of course you should ignore any tip that gets in the way of your message: When your sentences start to drawl over the 20 word length mark consider revising, shortening or try to split them into two or more quick phrases. Keep your paragraphs short too. When the idea shifts, just start a new paragraph! Remember, long means we have to concentrate; readers don’t want to have to work hard! We want our writers to have done all the heavy thinking for us already before you address us! Want to keep our attentions? Vary things as you write! The length of your sentences, the size of your paragraphs, the length of your words, mix it up, keep it lively! *** Writing Tip *** - Lore your reader into wanting to find out more... Get personal! Speak directly to our emotional side! Once you’ve engaged our emotions your writing is not so easy to dismiss! Steer your readers! Give them directions and hints... If you are not done yet, let your readers know there is more important stuff to come; furthermore, in addition, also, and, more over…tells your reader to stay tuned! Don’t let them off the hook…try ending every few paragraphs with a question so they have to read on to get the answer. Use a simple; Why? Or, why is this? Wondering how? Use common everyday language as much as possible, as long as it serves your purpose but don’t write trite. Be fresh, different; people will put up with a lot if they think something unique is coming. Conserve words, be stingy with your phraseology; less is more powerful! If you can say it with three words, using ten words will only weaken it. The key is to make your writing look, feel and seem as if it was effortless… Remember the words of Ernest Hemingway - “It’s none of their business that you have to learn to write. Let them think you were born that way.” You're not writing to make yourself look good or to sound smart but to pass a message to someone. Write it as easy for them to understand as possible! If you want some more creative writing tips that are easy to understand and easy to implement get the excellent, creative writing advice book that writing instructors and literary professors the world over are raving about called “A NEW TALE” A Creative Writing Tutorial by Stu Leventhal. Stu Leventhal is an experienced, successful author, poet, business consultant, news reporter, food critic, restaurant review columnist, lyricist, a long time writing coach and writing mentor! Stu Leventhal has tackled a lot of literary genres successfully penning; mysteries, westerns, sci-fi, theater plays, song lyrics, musicals, comedy, business writing, ads and copywriting, speech writing… Whether you want to write novels, poems, songs, screen plays or just improve your work memos, letters, school book reports and resumes… A NEW TALE by Stu Leventhal will set you on the path to writing genius! In today’s digital, high-tech world, communicating well and expressing oneself coherently is more important than ever! Learning to write better is the best investment anyone can make! Writing better will open doors of opportunities you didn’t even know were available. A NEW TALE by Stu Leventhal will become your trusty companion for years to come paying you back dividends too numerous to fathom. ***See More Great Books by Author Stu Leventhal! View Stu Leventhal's Author Biography and Download a FREE SAMPLE of A NEW TALE ~ A Creative Writing Tutorial ~ by Stu Leventhal!*** Find Your Literary Voice! Become a Better Scribe! Express Your Ideas More Clearly! Write inventively! Write More Interestingly! A NEW TALE by Stu Leventhal is the definitive writing tool for creative writers of the future! Expert Creative Writing Advice From a Freelance Reporter, Restaurant Review Critic, Business and Industry Consultant, Mystery Writer, Science Fiction Author, Poet, Song Lyricist, Play Write... Author Stu Leventhal has written successfully in almost every literary genre there is! Finally a real writer has some advice and tips for authors, student writers and pro-scribes that is relevant NOW! Forget what they taught you in grammar school! The world is changing fast; writers need to keep pace! Today's writers have to be able to invent new styles to keep their reader's attention. You have thoughts, desires, passions, ideas... Sharing your thoughts is a part of being human and every person's right. Now more than ever, sharpening one's writing skills can have great social as well as economical benefits for everyone. A New tale by Stu Leventhal is right on time. You won't be able to put down this creative writing tutorial! Author Stu Leventhal cuts through the bull and teaches you how to think better and express yourself better, be unique and write passionately with attitude and your own personality! You owe it to yourself to read A NEW TALE by Author, Poet, Reporter, Food Critic, Stu Leventhal. Creative Writings Are Human Thoughts Recorded More Permanently
By Stu Leventhal Stories, ideas, teachings, warnings, messages; these are the reasons for creative writing. Essays, poems, short stories, novels, song lyrics; about life and people going about living are the topics and subjects. We read to relax and to learn, therefore good creative writing works should be recreational, educational or both. Life is so vast that the possible subjects of a creative writing project are unlimited. We also read to bond with others of our species! Through writing we can bond with people even when we are not face to face! Humans wish to know what other humans are doing and thinking because it makes us feel like we are no longer alone. The more info we learn about others the more we feel empathy for their struggles. Learning about other people helps us put our own feelings in perspective. Creative writing allows us all to share our most important life stories and thus share the feelings and emotions that go along with those stories with many, many people. Once written about the discussions become ongoing! The best tales can be passed down from generation to generation helping each human era become grander than the last as we all contribute to build man’s legacy. We live our lives, meet new people, have new experiences; sometimes we witness or participate in something that is extra special thus we wish to tell everyone we can about it. Writing to inform and share something of value with others is how humans bond across the miles, across oceans and across the years! Still creative writing is communication using written words; its beauty and magic lies in elevating our speech and traditional discussion methods to new heights…to art level! Art can be scholarly and art can be fickle; creative writing can be both of these or any blend and combination in between. The building blocks of creative writings are words and language and both are complicated and man’s most powerful allies. With my understanding of language there is absolutely no single definition of any word. Words are living creatures, always growing and changing. They say art is in the eye of the beholder; I say words are beautiful even the ugly ones. Thus, a word’s definition is in the eye of the beholder! If the beholder of a word’s definition is a creative writer, look out! Words are like people they tend to become something different themselves based on the other words they are surrounded by. Fast talkers are not always the fastest writers or the most accomplished. Writing is more deliberate than talking and even giving a prepared speech. Writing must be more precise than talk because it is on display longer and can be picked apart and scrutinized by its readers. Published writings are meant to be read and re-read many times over and over, often taken out and referred back to by its fans. This means writing must be more perfected than speech before it is shared. Without writing man’s world would come to a screeching halt! All fine ideas need writing to be taken advantage of fully! Education needs writing to pass down learning to our children! Creative writing seeks to breathe more fun into the showcasing and framing of man’s knowledge and teachings. It lessens the pain and frustration of reading sophisticated, scholarly, entitled correspondence and explains it in simplistic terminology using common sense that people from all walks can understand immediately. By showing off man’s greatest moments and thoughts through art we honor them and lift them onto to a pedestal where they belong! We fix them more permanently on display for future people and all mankind to enjoy and benefit from. This is the reason for creative writing! *If you need some help with your creative writing project contact: [email protected] THE DIFFICULTY OF CREATIVE COPYWRITING! Why Ads Are So Hard To Create! |