Second runner up, Don’t call me, I’ll call you by Shana Lee, I could see going country song, rock lyric, or contemporary music lyric. It’s a fun, flowing, very adaptable rhyme about the age old misunderstandings between male and females concerning dating and breaking up protocol.
Anewtale’s First Place Music Lyric award went to Ira Epson for his song lyrics; My ship came in. Cute, easy going and fun, fun, fun…Describes this simple song lyric. The author re-lives the day he won the local lottery. You’re practically transported to the bar where the author buys rounds for everybody, even people he’s not particularly fond of, as he enjoys spreading the wealth due to his good fortune.
All three of this season’s Lyric winners have the craftsmanship to be almost universal as to the genres of music lyrics they can be adapted to. They could all sound great as rock songs, country lyrics, top 40 style, contemporary or even on stage. Musicians remember, all the lyrics and poems published on anewtale are fresh and new. So if you see a music lyric or song lyric you’d like to produce, drop us an e’mail we’ll be happy to work out the details between you and our author.
Once again, let us know what you like? How are we doing? What do you want to see more of?
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