<![CDATA[A New Tale ~ Creative Writing is FUN! - Learning]]>Mon, 24 Feb 2025 01:19:03 -0800Weebly<![CDATA[Making Money Writing]]>Fri, 07 Feb 2025 16:36:41 GMThttp://anewtale.com/learning/making-money-writing

We All Need to be Email Specialists

No matter what genre, fiction or nonfiction, you excel at, as a creative writer you will need to learn how to write Emails that beat the spam filters and get thru to be READ.

1) You have to inquire about writing gigs.
2) You can also write emails for business clients to earn extra money.

Emailing is Magical Marketing for Writers!

Everything you do revolves around growing your email list of new readers, for your long-term success.

The game becomes emailing a certain amount each day, to hit your current sales goal target.

* You gain lots of varying experience by writing and replying to so many emails.

Penning your witty email replies forces you to try new writing techniques out that can be used later in your creative writing projects.

Why must writers be great at emailing and text messaging too? Well often the first writing sample others read is going to be an email from you. Yes, magazine editors, book publishers, literary agents, will all judge you by your email.

First impressions are important and since you are a writer, you should showoff a little.

Besides, you love writing! So, writing emails is not a chore to you. Emailing and replying cleverly to emails and texts can and should be a labor of love for any creative writer.

The good news is that once you have created a great email, it can be used over and OVER... sent again and AGAIN... for YEARS!

With the right email, there is literally no way to tell how many extra readers you can entice into buying and reading your books. The right email can gain you plenty of writing jobs and extra writing gigs and writing employment too.

Once you know your specially crafted e-message works, you now just have to concentrate on finding more worthy email addresses to send your client producing, job producing message to.

Your success becomes a numbers game. More emailing =s more writing assignments and projects.

IMPORTANT: The way to up your emailing reply rate is by acquiring a better email address list to send to. You can buy email lists from companies already servicing and selling to the clients you like writing for. You can also build an email list on your own quickly by offering a free sample of your great writing on social media sites.

So, we have learned that email is the world's gift to creative writers. Because we are the best writers thus, we can use emailing (the most preferred means of communication of all time) in the most effective ways.

VERY IMPORTANT: Never just email one time then give up. You are a writer, after all! It is up to you to figure out how to reach your email receivers. Wait a few days or a week then if still no reply, try a new email writ in a different sales pitch style.

TIP: First master email writing then morph your skills into tackling social media and blog writing and posting. A good email makes for a great social post or blog with just a few tweaks added for the audience you are posting to. Emails can be adapted into video scripts too!

Isn't it a great time to be a creative writer... We really do rule the world in the digital age!

Stay tune for more great creative writing career building tips...  

<![CDATA[Let's Get CREATIVE!]]>Wed, 22 Jan 2025 14:20:07 GMThttp://anewtale.com/learning/lets-get-creativeJOIN - A NEW TALE - A CREATIVE WRITING GROUP 
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How do you beat WRITER'S BLOCK?
I like to talk with other writers!

Reading also helps me to get the creative juices going.
Smart creative people inspire me. Other authors, poets, bloggers, reporters get me thinking and then soon, soon, soon, I am writing something of my own.

TODAY's CREATIVE WRITER's TIP: Tell us where the story happens, who was there and what they all did. Just remember, life is not orderly so your story cannot unfold in a smooth, constantly progressing way, if it is going to sound believable.

People in real life do not always act rational. You want your characters to be spontaneous and unpredictable too. We get mad for odd reasons. We crack jokes when it is inappropriate. This is why your readers keep reading, to find out what your unusual characters will do next.

If you think you've heard all there is to hear about creative writing, you are wrong...
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Say Goodbye to WRITER'S BLOCK!
<![CDATA[Writing for Cable News Programs]]>Wed, 22 Jan 2025 14:14:07 GMThttp://anewtale.com/learning/writing-for-cable-news-programsWhen you write for a Cable TV News Program you are writing a story in the form of a script that the news caster will read...

As a Newspaper Reporter, you are the article's author. But, as a Cable News Writer, you are behind the scenes feeding the commentator what to say.

Picture in your mind the newscaster as he stares into the camera to address his or her audience. You know the host of the show you work for. You know the host's personality. You also know their strengths so you can write their words to complement their style of delivery.

Yes, the facts make the tale you are trying to tell but do not write what you would say but what your audience expects your host to say.

Yep, know your audience, know your host and get your facts straight.

The audience already likes your host. They tune in every day to listen to your host. Your job is to make your host look good... like a genius!

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<![CDATA[Video Verses Reading]]>Fri, 09 Dec 2016 15:54:31 GMThttp://anewtale.com/learning/video-verses-reading

             by Stu Leventhal

Students have tried for years to get away with writing their book reports when only watching the movie. It does not work!

Reading is totally different from watching. Your brain turns letters and words into its own vivid pictures. Watching pictures that are made for you is passive, resting and one's mind wanders from what is on the screen.

I will say that today, the idea that anyone with a cell phone is a videographer has not helped the quality or lack of quality we all expect from videos. If video was not so much over amateur saturated there might be more respect for vids.

The real danger is this trend in schools to go more and more visual and move away from books. This is because the schools and parents love to see their kids being taught with new gadgets. Lectures that are given one time can be sold over and over again. This idea that kids pay more attention to video is not a good enough excuse for moving away from writing and reading which is still the best way to teach.

Books, e-books and text still rule cyberspace. Yes over photos and video content!

You must learn how to communicate using language to succeed. But images will help you attract attention and keep interest. 

<![CDATA[Education Schools Learning Writing and New Ideas!]]>Fri, 31 Jul 2015 11:33:29 GMThttp://anewtale.com/learning/-education-schools-learning-writing-and-new-ideas Creative Writing’s Role in Education Teaching & Learning...
Quality New Ideas Come from Great Teaching and Mentoring...

Learning is the Ground Work for Great Ideas and Quality Living

       By Stu Leventhal

Ideas are the spice of life but where do the best ideas come from? What is the first step for cultivating ideas in a community? How do we create our geniuses of tomorrow?

Can schools save the world? Certainly!

Will schools save the world? They haven’t yet!

Schools like to tell our students what has been done nicely so far. They inform us what is acceptable and expected. They do not teach us how to come up with our own novel ideas!

Do schools teach us how to think for ourselves or do they push their own opinions and agendas on us? Are schools trying to graduate clones? Is there a better way to educate?

Do most schools teach war and hate? Most do not! Some fanatical school systems do of course. But the majority of civilized school systems, set up in noble communities the globe over, all teach the value of peace and cooperation among people. Obviously, since we have not yet been able to eradicate war and violence the pacifists are not teaching with enough vigor and vim as needed!

Yes, new ideas are necessary and they usually come from youthful students fed up and frustrated with things as they are.

So where does war and violence come from? Why are they perpetuated generation after generation, year after year? Why do the schools fail to get their messages across of fair play and justice for all? Can a new breed of creative writers make a difference?

Most great achievements are accomplished against school policy, without school support, out of school, even despite school. Therefore if you are a student, especially a creative, artistic student, perhaps with writing career aspirations who wishes to do great things one day, you will have to be an explorer, trail blazer, a forward thinker not a backwards thinker.

Schools preach history, which is stuff that happened. They know not what is going to happen next but sometimes they guess. Schools’ roles are to prepare us for this unexpected phenomenon which is on its way called living in the future.

Schools have administrations, which means, they need approval to change their curriculums. This almost definitely assures they will react too slowly to the present pop, fads, breaking news and currents of the streets.

Passions have been raised and have grown long cold before schools can come to grips with and accept that something significant has even happened. They find out about stuff way too late, far after the fact, to help or assist. The best any school systems can hope to contribute is an apologetic, half measure of perverted damage control, perhaps some analytical explanations why, which none of the other schools will ever agree to agree upon.

Of course when something bad happens, our schools always claim that they are starting to plant the seed to grow preventative measures for impeding a repeat of the negatively deemed behavior in the future.

Education is based on old news, old theories and old ideas. Every new generation’s goal is sound new ideas!

Schools grade! They are not qualified to. Know that you must evaluate yourself!

Art Galleries around the globe are full of works we visit and everyone agrees they are genius. Some artists and their displayed works many of us fall in love with, while others we simply hate.

We say the beauty and value of art is individual and personal. Yet we trust schools, who are supposed to be opening up our child’s imaginations and exposing our children to new horizons and possibilities to judge, stifle and quiet their students in the name of education and culture and learning!

Is value really in the eye of the beholder or in the eye of our schools? And, we have already concluded that schools are always outdated!

Schools create selective curriculums that are very sketchy at best.

You cannot build skills and confidence by forcing opinions on someone, telling them what is the right and wrong ways. When our goals are new ideas, we need to use our stations, authority and assets to expose people to great things that inspire higher thinking.

We need to supply the tools and opportunities to everyone because we know not where the next leader or champion is coming from or who he or she will be.

Our best minds have no means of experiencing and accessing what they need to create greatness on their own. The school’s job is to allow students to grow and to give them everything they need to develop. The students should determine what means what to them and what is important to their community, mankind as well as to their own personal lives. You cannot force people to learn. You can give them the chance!

Remember new ideas are what we seek and that requires people who can think past what we are teaching.

Schools are for Juveniles. We all outgrow schools, even teachers. Adults pay no serious mind at all to schools and the whole assortment of vast educational networks that exist. We only give our schools even the slightest thoughts perhaps when we have a child enrolled otherwise a school community is out of sight and out of mind as far as adults and the adult world is concerned. This is noticed by the students and thus students regard their schools, lessons and professors accordingly with the same lack of respect and mild tolerance that everyone else gives them!

I say stop trying to prepare us for the future, the unknown and start helping us to build the future everyone actually wants! We need a world full of quick thinkers who can adapt to any situation that arises. We need to turn students into idea machines not memorization, zombies!

Generally artists and great thinkers are experimenters, trail blazers, curious, restless souls with a desire to know things.

All great artists seek to create something unique that has never been done before. Schools can lead us closer, increase our abilities, instill the necessary determination and give us the means but then they need to get out of our way. But students, you have to absorb all you can.

Students are the future; new ideas are their dreams, hopes and desires!

Great people all have to try and fail then pull themselves together to try again with a better plan and renewed efforts. We need to be willing and anxious to learn our entire lives. We must practice and persevere, experiment, take risks, if we are to eventually conquer, win, become wise, experts or just understand something new. Schools need to aid in that process, not dictate the terms or determine who gets to participate. After all, if the answers were already in our schools, our books, our museums, we would not need new ideas!

*Writing is how we figure out what to do and how we develop our plans. Creative writing whether fiction, poetry, historical, biographical is how we determine if we are headed in the right direction.

Learning how to write better, will help you understand and aid you in studying any subject you are interested in mastering. Learning how to write better will also help you climb the career ladder in any industry you choose to pursue.

Learning how to write better and more creatively will assist you in your personal life with communicating with your family and friends and with finding new friends.

Learning how to write better and clearer is the best investment anyone young or old will ever make! Read:

A NEW TALE - A Creative Writing Tutorial by Stu Leventhal Unleash your inner muse! Discover who you are and reach your fullest potential as a human being. Writing well can help focus your ideas and achieve your dreams!

Developing better writing skills will open doors for you that cannot be opened any other way!" - Stu Leventhal
<![CDATA[Creative Arts Cyberspace Camp 101]]>Fri, 31 Jul 2015 04:33:13 GMThttp://anewtale.com/learning/-creative-arts-cyberspace-camp-101 Teaching the Creative Arts Globally
Schools Teaching & Learning the Arts

      By Stu Leventhal - A NEW TALE!

I’ve never been a fan of our local and national educational communities, great, renowned or small town. There is far too much politics involved in schooling and not enough focus on the individual student’s needs and the molding of fine ‘think for yourself’ minds.

Schools should not be businesses! Schools should not be babysitting services! Teachers need to be unshackled, given more control over their curriculums, teaching methods and styles!

Most importantly, our renowned schools and best teachers should not be more available to the wealthy than the poor!

The internet makes info and instruction available to all but the students need to take advantage of this. If we all do not support the free resources online, they will dry up leaving only the learning institutions that are run and funded by big business and industry.

Certainly it is easy to recognize that the poor probably need more schooling than the affluent. If the goal of schools is to prepare us for the future; who needs more prep the kids with all the advantages or the money challenged?

It is easily plain to see that by giving the poorer sectors of our society as much instruction, help and aid as possible for bettering themselves and raising themselves up and out of their predicaments we all also benefit by bettering society as a whole including our wealthy sectors.

It is in the best interest of the rich and well educated to help educate the masses!

By limiting enrollment into our best schools to only people who can afford to pay their way and just allowing a few exceptionally bright scholarship winning applicants to enter the palaces, we are hindering our entire society and creating class friction that is insurmountable to overcome.

Every year we graduate more wealthy folks and give them a head start on the rest of the populace then we wonder why there is so much crime and discontent!

How can anyone expect the poor and disadvantaged to compete with college educated people who were mentored by our supposed best?

From an artistic stand point this is contrary to everything art stands for which is the expression of human emotion and showcasing of the human conditions for the purpose of seeking truth. From any educational doctrine this is also hypocritical! Education’s duty is to further mankind not further the divide between the rich and the poor.

Art, culture and schools are all supposed to prepare us for life, so we can go leave our birth homes and go forth into our communities and be productive neighbors and civic-minded community participants. We are all entitled to the very best educations so we can support and protect our families and make dynamic, bonding, meaningful friendships and start new worthwhile relationships at work, abroad and on the home front.

We preach and teach Brotherly Love and compassion for each other; we cannot hoard education!

Our best culture must be available to all. Seeing, experiencing and just being exposed to our very best art, knowledge and wisdom is what inspires us each to reach for the stars ourselves; in everything we do.

Aspiring to greatness elevates mundane living to magical living!

My advice to students, both young and innocent kids and mature and worldly adults, is to go in knowing that schools are far from perfect. Keep your eyes and ears wide open there is advice all around you!

Want to know more about business be more observant when you are around businesses
. Study deeply what your favorite companies do and how they act. Really think hard about what the failing companies around your neighborhood are doing wrong? How would you fix those companies?

Your education is mostly up to you. Lessons are what you make of them. How we each receive and absorb instruction is very personal.

Know that you have to put your lessons to use to really benefit from wisdom you are exposed to. If you wish to learn stand up comedy or even just to write funny, you can watch tapes of other great comics performing for tips but at some point you will have to get up on stage yourself and put your conclusions to the test.

It is our students' right to utilize all that mankind has established so far, throughout the ages
, for their own benefit and the benefit for their generation and man's future.

Take control of your education! Seek knowledge and truth in many places not just from text books and in classrooms. Learn from everyone whether good or bad natured; professors, teachers, scholars, journalists, fiction writers, nonfiction authors, law enforcement officials, criminals, the famous, the infamous and the obscure.

Get greedy when it comes to your education!

Do not be skimpy on the teaching side either; give as much as you get. It is up to all of us to teach what we can, when we can, to whomever we can! Ask any teacher and they will tell you they do their most learning while teaching!

*There is no better time than the present to brush up on your creative writing skills, methods and techniques.

Read A NEW TALE by Stu Leventhal Philadelphia's Creative Writing Mentor.

"Whatever your life's goals are you have a much better chance of achieving them by becoming a better writer and communicator. Writing is man's best asset!" - Stu Leventhal
