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HIGH SEA is the new Adventure Detective Mystery by Stu Leventhal. Part one of the no holds barred, high intensity thriller, trilogy featuring Pacific Island Detective Henry Oaks as he pits his wits against evil on the High Seas! NOW! Available for purchase at Amazon Kindle!
When authors can not think of what to write next, listening to the inspirational thoughts words and advice of great historic writers, leaders and thinkers such as the ones highlighted in the above video can help one aspire to new heights. Enjoy these words of wit and soothing calm. Take a few deep breaths. Realize you are in good company, then pick up your pen and write!
LITERATURE OR NOT?By Stuart Leventhal
I am often asked, “What makes Literature Literary?” What catapults a story into stardom is quite a debatable topic. Why is an author and all his or her work deemed worthy of study by all the scribes to come? Why should a certain bit of writing be put on a pedestal and displayed above the herd? Most of us agree that for a story to be called literature it must be special. The disagreement comes when special is attempted to be pinned down, isolated and defined. A great literary story is more than just a fantastically entertaining tale. And great treasured authors are much more than great story tellers. There are many engaging sportswriters whose columns readers wait with bated breath to read each morning. They can make a baseball game sound like the Battle of Troy. Their passages are quoted at water coolers, bus stops and in checkout lines all day long. There are biographers who can make the life of the average ‘guy next door’ sound as important as Genghis Kahn’s. Yet, are their words destined to wear the literature badge? We have all read humorists, satirists and comic skits that have made us laugh so hard we cry, sneeze and cannot catch our breath long enough to smile! But is that enough to be called literary? Must an author leave a piece of his or her heart and soul on every page? Write one’s words with blood instead of ink? Some literary critics and scholars would like you to believe as much. Others claim the true test of literary greatness is whether the writing can stand the test of time. But that would mean hundreds of years would have to pass before a work could be knighted with the title of literature. If that is so then libraries and book stores across the globe are ignoring this long age criteria. First we must recognize that with all the esteemed institutes of learning in all the corners of the vast world, there is no governing, all supreme institute stamping official literature seals of authenticity on literary works. So, it seems the final word on whether a piece of writing is literature worthy or not remains with the individual’s discretion! Here are my criteria to be added to the debate as you wish. For writing to be literature it must first be enormously popular with the masses as well as the scholars. Secondly, its story must transcend time, generation and age. A great story is still a great story which is quite an accomplishment by itself. But, literature has to appeal to every age group, gender, have value for any culture who reads it and be worthy of retelling decade after decade after decade. Now, to write a tale that peasants enjoy retelling and the aristocracy also likes and recites plus the well-educated and the unschooled can both relate to! Women and men with all their differences both like this tale! The religious quote passages from the story as do the un-pious. Well heck, how can you call a story like that a great story? That, my friend, is no great story. That is LITERATURE! "Poetry is eternal graffiti written in the heart of everyone." - Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Americus, Book 1 What is a Synonym? A word you use when you can not spell the other one. I went to a book store and asked the woman behind the counter where the 'Self Help' section was. She said. "If I told you that would defeat the whole purpose." - Brian Kiley The true poem rests between the words - Vanna Bonta |
This season's
Writers on writing "I want to write books that unlock the traffic jam in everybody's head." John Updike
"Write to be understood, speak to be heard, read to grow..." Lawrence Clark Powell "The role of a writer is not to say what we all can say. But what we are unable to say." Anais Nin "Why do writers write? Because it isn't there." Thomas Berger "Writing is the best way to talk, without being inturupted." Jules Renard "You can make anything by writing." C.S. Lewis "The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug." Mark Twain Quote of the Day
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